Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


You can view the slide shows of the ultrasounds and belly growth at the bottom of this blog.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Here are some of the things that Nevaeh has learned:
1. Counts to 29!
2. Tells us she is 20 months old (even though she is 21 months old).
3.  LOVES the iPad.  I will search for youtube nursery rhymes and she does the rest.  She knows how to pick the videos and play them. She can stop the video and pick another one on her own!  She will do this for hours if I let her!  She loves videos with numbers, colors, shapes and so on!  I have to watch her carefully because some of the videos can turn a little ugly........Why do people have to remake and post such trash?
4.  The other day, Nevaeh spilled drops of milk from her sippy cup onto Grammy's floor.  Nevaeh said, "Uh oh, I need a napkin, pease". Grammy gave her a dish towel.  Nevaeh said, "Thank you"....put the towel on the floor and stood on it to soak up the small spill.....She gave the towel back and said, "It's all cleaned up!"
5. This morning on the phone Mommy called me and Nevaeh.  Mommy asked Nevaeh what she was doing....Nevaeh said, " Ummmm, I had pancakes, and Ummmm I took a bath, and Ummm I played with my toys......" This conversation went on for some time with Nevaeh saying "Ummm" & "And" while retelling the whole morning of activities!  Pretty impressive!
6. Today, she picked up something off the floor and said, "Here, it's mine, I mean yours"......she actually corrected herself :-)

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Ultrasound Video- Watch Baby Nevaeh Grow!

Watch Courtney's Belly Grow!