Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


You can view the slide shows of the ultrasounds and belly growth at the bottom of this blog.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Last night, Nevaeh and TaTa (Grandpa in Tamil) made Christmas cookies. Sometimes she calls him Crappa or TaTa... Can you tell they have a special relationship?  It warms my heart!

When Nevaeh spends the night, we have a routine.  First she takes a bath, then we trim her nails, brush her teeth, comb her hair, put jammies on and play until bedtime.  Well last night, she didn't want to get out of the tub.  She took the tub bag (bag for the toys) and decided to scrub down the bottom of the tub.  I asked her what she was doing, she told me, "I'm cleaning the tub!"  While she was cleaning, she heard Chael barking outside the bathroom window.  She said "Chael outside?" I told her yes.  Then I heard Grandpa let Chael in....and so did Nevaeh.  Nevaeh promptly told me, "Chael is downstairs in the kitchen".  Later that night, she played house with the rhino and Chael.  She put both in the bouncy seat and sang "Rock-a-Bye Baby...." to them!  Too cute!  I continue to be impressed with her language skills.  Grandpa makes fun of me for taking notes of her conversations and then blogging about it...But I don't want to forget the cute things she is saying and at such a young age!

This morning, I made Neaveh pancakes for breakfast.  She told me, "It's hot, I blow on it, It's hot!".  Then she gave short little blows....Next she reminded me that she need a spoon by saying, "I need a spoon, peaz".  I gave one to her then she said, "Cut it in half"  I giggled and asked her to say please....she looked at me in a stubborn sort of way, and I said please one more time....finally she said "peaz".  :-)

While we were having breakfast, I washed her blankie.....It gets pretty grungy being carried around 24/7.   After breakfast, she asked for her blankie. I reminded her it was in the washer getting cleaned.  About that time, she heard the rinse cycle stop and said, "Blankie all done....Get it!"  She didn't like my answer, so she fell to the floor in a fake cry with her hands over her eyes.  Between the fake cries, she would peek through her fingers to see if she had my attention.  She said, "I crying, want my blankie!"  a few minutes later she asked, "Is blankie in dryer yet?"  When I said NO, she fake cried some more. 
When her blankie was finally dried, she held the blankie up to her nose and said, "hmmmmm smell it!...smells good!"  So I guess all the fake crying was worth the smell!  HAHA!

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Ultrasound Video- Watch Baby Nevaeh Grow!

Watch Courtney's Belly Grow!