Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


You can view the slide shows of the ultrasounds and belly growth at the bottom of this blog.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


 Dear Nevaeh,
This month flew by!  Seems like we just wished you a happy birthday and here we are one month later! This past month, you started trying to feed yourself with a spoon, but most of the food ends up on the floor and not in your mouth..... or all over your body and hair....I am not fond of this self feeding stage!  YUCK!  You use a sippy cup during the day, but when you are done with it, you fling it on the floor. You can also drink from a straw!  As for the bottle, we still give you a morning and night cereal bottle. (I hear gasps out there!)....We just can't seem to let go of something that you truly love!  You suck them down in a few minutes!  I can say that Mommy and Daddy are making progress with transitioning from formula to milk.  They started off with 3/4 formula and 1/4 milk mixed with cereal.....now we are giving you 1/4 formula and 3/4 milk mixed with cereal.  This gradual transition seems to be working! :-)

I can tell you are growing because your nine month pants and sleepers are getting too short.  You comfortably fit into 12 month clothes, size 4 shoe and size 3 diapers.  Size 3 diapers are getting small but the size 4 are huge!  You are a tweener in the diaper department!  :-)  You finally cut two upper front teeth.  They broke through the gum line but are taking their old sweet time moving into position!  Not sure if you have more than 4 teeth, because you won't let us look in your mouth....Every once in a while you will smile real big for us to see!

You can stand from a sitting position and will walk between furniture without holding onto anything!  But that's about all that interests you in the walking department.  At times, when you realize you took a few steps on your own, you will smile real big and clap for yourself....but most of the time, you lose confidence and go down on your knees! 

You have also been favoring your left hand for reaching, grasping, coloring and playing.  Sometimes you switch between hands, but I am pretty sure you are going to be left handed.  You entertain yourself well with all of your toys.  You will watch Jordyn and then you try to do what he is doing.  For example, Jordyn was coloring on a placemat while we were out to lunch.  You picked up a crayon and started coloring on your placemat.  You are very observant and a quick learner!  You also have a quick temper and will cry if you don't get your way!  You will throw yourself on the floor with deep sobs, tears and a red face!.....Sometimes over a toy that someone else was playing with!

You repeat many words that we say and will say ta ku (thank you).  You are now willingly giving open and closed mouth kisses and you will blow us a kiss. .......Lately your new body/sign language for the word NO is to cross your arms in front of your chest and tilt your head to the side with the word NO or shake your head no.  It is rather comical....there are times that you instantly cross your arms to tell us NO....your own baby sign language!

I love the little person you are becoming!
Love, Grandma Dason

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Ultrasound Video- Watch Baby Nevaeh Grow!

Watch Courtney's Belly Grow!