Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


You can view the slide shows of the ultrasounds and belly growth at the bottom of this blog.

Sunday, July 29, 2012


For the last 6 months, we have been trying to entice Nevaeh into the whole potty training thing.  So far, it's been a big FAIL.  She would tell us that she was a baby and babies wear diapers.  :-(   Lately she started telling us that she had to go pee.....she'd sit on the potty but....NOTHING.....I think it became a game.  But today, she got up in the morning and out of the blue asked to wear her big girl panties!  She has been dry all day and was successful going potty.....She even got a sucker for doing such a good job.  Then she had to SKYPE me and grandpa to share the news!  :-)  Is this a one time deal????  Time will tell!

As for the paci and blankie.....we are all working as a team (parents and grandparents) to make sure we stick with a plan that Nevaeh only gets the paci and blankie when she sleeps  (ie. carseat, naps and at night).....before she had the paci in her mouth 24/7!   Now when she asks for them, I ask her if she is going to take a nap....if she says yes, I'll give them to her.  Every once in awhile she will start playing rather than napping.....When I remind her, she takes the paci out of her mouth.  Now Mommy and Daddy have it rougher.......She throws FITS.....drops to the floor and screams with real tears...... they don't give in.  But it sure is hard!!!!

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Ultrasound Video- Watch Baby Nevaeh Grow!

Watch Courtney's Belly Grow!