Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


You can view the slide shows of the ultrasounds and belly growth at the bottom of this blog.

Monday, November 14, 2011


Dear Nevaeh,
You are 20 months old and such a big girl now.....even though you are small for your age. You wear 18 months sizes, size 4 diapers, size 5 shoe, and you weigh 21 lbs. You are still favoring your left hand. The other day you were coloring and I noticed you would switch between a fist grasp to a normal pinch hold with your fingers!

This past month you have transitioned to a " big girl" toddler bed, but you think it is more of a game than the real deal. Last night you wanted to sleep in your bed, but every couple of minutes you would come into Mommy and Daddy 's room and say hi, or peek a boo....then go back to your bed. This went on for about a half hour until they gave in and put you in the playpen in their bedroom in order to go to sleep!

Yesterday, your Mommy shared the biggest news of all....YOU TOLD US YOU HAD TO GO POTTY. You even held it until she was able to take you in and get your diaper off! We are sooooo proud of you. Thinking this wasn't a one time deal, I asked you if you had to potty before your bath. You said yes.....I put you on the potty and you said, " All done, I wipe now".... You didn't pee pee this time.....but.....when I started running the bath water you peed all over the floor....I yelled....NO NO NO....you realized what you did and hung your head and puckered your lips for a start of a good cry....I changed my tone of voice when I realized I hurt her feelings and a big old smile came over her face.

You have a new table and chair set that Grandma Baker gave you. Uncle Andrew pulled a chair up to him....you sat in it for about an hour listening to stories.... He would even say, right Nevaeh? And you would say Yes or nod your head confirming your interest in the stories. One time he tried to get up and you pointed your finger at him demanding that he sit down, NOW! TOOOOO CUTE!

You melt my heart!
Love Grandma Dason

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Ultrasound Video- Watch Baby Nevaeh Grow!

Watch Courtney's Belly Grow!