Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


You can view the slide shows of the ultrasounds and belly growth at the bottom of this blog.

Friday, March 5, 2010

36w1d- Labor and Delivery

Courtney had an OB visit... blood pressure is 100/62 and believe it or not, no weight gain again in the last 3 weeks!  Still holding at 17 lbs. total.  The belly keeps getting bigger, but Courtney seems to be losing in other places.  I think she looks thinner in her face and arms!  Lucky girl!

Courtney was very uncomfortable during the internal check that it brought tears to her eyes.  She is still having extreme back pain. The cervix is still thinning but not dilating and the baby's head is engaged.  The OB can feel the head down low!  He decided to have Courtney go to Labor and Delivery for a non-stress test.  If the baby was under any stress, he said he was going to take her (induce) this weekend rather than wait until Tuesday.  Courtney stopped her blood thinners just encase!  YIKES!  Needless to say, our 7 hour drive started a little sooner than we originally planned!

The car seat and baby bag is ready!

Such a trooper!

Contractions shooting up to the 60 and 70 marks- Due to an irritable uterus!!

Luckily, Nevaeh is not under any stress!  The heartbeat was ranging from 140s during rest up to 180s when trying to kick the monitors off the belly!  Since the baby is doing well, Courtney was given meds to calm the uterus and contractions.  He is hoping Courtney holds out until Tuesday's induction!  The longer Nevaeh stays in Mommy, the healthier she will be when she is born....even if it is only a few days!

Speaking of induction, Courtney will be admitted just after midnight on Monday, which is really Tuesday  morning at 12:01am.  This way, she gets a full day out of the hospital stay since they will be charged for a full day.  If she were admitted to the hospital at 11:57 pm on Monday night, they would be billed for Monday as well!  The kids have to call the hospital on Monday around 11PM to make sure there is a bed available before they head to the hospital!  The OB, said the chances are good that a bed will be available!  BETTER BE!  

Courtney had to start her Lovenox shots again.....Her last shot is Sunday night!  4 more days until the induction!

We love you baby Veah!
Grandma Dason


  1. Hope everything goes great on Tuesday - won't be long now.

  2. Very excited for you all! :) It happened so fast, didn't it?

  3. Thanks guys! It flew by....except for these last few days! :-) Shelly


Ultrasound Video- Watch Baby Nevaeh Grow!

Watch Courtney's Belly Grow!