Dear Nevaeh,
Today you are 8 months old! Time sure is flying by. I find myself stopping and soaking in the moments with you. I didn't do that when your Mommy was little because.....well to be honest with you, I'm not sure why....I remember cherishing my time with Mommy but not slowing down to enjoy the little things. The little things that I see in you. I smile when I watch you learn new things or just explore on your own....the memories just flood back from the past, while I am making new memories with you.
You are growing like a weed. Since you don't have a doctor's appointment this month, I am guessing you are about 19 1/2 lbs. Wish I could measure you, but you are toooo squirmy for that! You can wear some 6 month clothes, but 6-9 months fit you better. You are still in a size 3 diaper and a size 4 shoe. Today when I gave you a bath, I noticed that your baby rolls are disappearing! There for awhile, you had two very big fat rolls on your legs. Then a few months ago, just one fat that last fat roll is slowly disappearing! Sometimes I look at you and notice that your baby face is turning into a toddler face looking back at me with inquisitive eyes! I think you look older because of all your hair. We have to pull it up on top in a pony tail to keep it out of your face. Mommy doesn't want to cut it!
You are a very good eater. You still like your bottles thickened with rice cereal. You get one morning bottle and a night bottle. You also eat lunch and dinner but don't like the runny stage two baby food, but not ready for stage 3, so Mommy and Daddy thicken the baby food with rice cereal. You love your veges and fruit and open wide for every bite. You drink from a sippy cup here and there and are starting to eat biscut sticks and fruit melts. You are even trying some creamed table foods like mashed potatoes.
Your fine motor skills are very good. I see you reaching for and picking up items with ease. Recently you started the beginning stages of real crawling vs. the army crawling. You will get up on your hands and knees, rock back and forth and take a few "steps" forward with the correct hand and leg motions .....then you fall flat on your belly again and army crawl because it it quicker. Just last week you pulled yourself up to your bouncy chair onto our knees and Daddy even said you pulled yourself up on your feet....but only for a split second before falling down. You love bath time and can sit and play with your toys in the water and splash away! Your vocabulary is growing. You've been saying dada and dadeee for a long time and know who Daddy is! Just today, you started saying mama more, over and've said it here and there in the past but not often and not sure if means anything or just a new word right now. I've heard you say baba and TaTa (grandpa in Hindi for Grandpa Dason). By the way, you have Grandpa Dason wrapped around your little finger! Sometimes I even see tears in his eyes when he looks at you! This melts my heart!
You are still a very content baby and very good sleeper. Even during the teething stage! You have one tooth! You have recently been sleeping on your side and now on your belly! You are able to self soothe....all you need is a binkie and blankie and you will sleep anywhere (as you can see by the picture below!)....but you love, love, love it when Daddy rocks you to sleep with a lullaby! Simply precious!
She has grown so much:)