Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


You can view the slide shows of the ultrasounds and belly growth at the bottom of this blog.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Nevaeh visited with her Grandma Baker yesterday.  She found a drawer to open and close (something that Mommy won't let her do at home)....she did this for over a 1/2 hour. The smallest things keep her attention!

After playing for awhile, it was nap time.  Grandma gave her the blankie and binkie and off to sleep she went for a nice long nap.  She is a good self soother.  When she woke up she looked around and looked back at Grandma ......slowly the tears welled up and the lips puckered for a cry on and off for over an hour......she even cried in between bites of food during lunch.....she just couldn't figure out where Mommy and Daddy were!  Finally Sadie the dog caught her attention.  She LOVES dogs!  Nevaeh would hit Sadie's paw and Sadie would swat her paw back gently into Nevaeh's hand.  They played and played with each other.  Later in the day, Uncle Andrew and Grandma took Nevaeh to Blue Fusion (entertainment place for kids).....Guess what she played with for over an hour...a blue paper plate!  HA!

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Ultrasound Video- Watch Baby Nevaeh Grow!

Watch Courtney's Belly Grow!