Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


You can view the slide shows of the ultrasounds and belly growth at the bottom of this blog.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Please note, I posted several different postings today, so scroll down!!!!  Mommy called and told me that little Miss Nevaeh walked all along Great Grandma Richard's  L shaped sectional couch and then transferred one hand over to the coffee table, and then the other hand and continued walking around the square coffee table!!!!!  She is learning and displaying new skills at lightening speed!  Sooooo Exciting to watch (or hear about)!


Mommy and Daddy took me to Petland.  I loved all the animals!


We love the breathable bumper pads, but they are sooooo plain!  To spice things up, I bought this fabric and covered the satin green trim on the bumpers.  I then added the fabric to the crib skirt to match.  Not sure if I like the brown part on the original crib skirt, but it matches the brown in the fabric and the monkeys on the wall....So I might keep it.  Knowing this old crib set will be up for many more grandchildren to come my way (I hope)....I kept a neutral color scheme!  Courtney likes it so much, she wants me to add fabric to her pink set, but Nevaeh will outgrow the crib soon....so I promised to do it for her next baby one of these days!

Friday, November 26, 2010


Nevaeh always wakes up in good mood.  She will play with her hands, pacifier and talk to herself.  Lately she has been up on her knees examining the bars of her crib.  Today, she found the top railing of the crib with her mouth! 

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Nevaeh has noticed herself in the mirror for a few months now with huge smiles and clapping, but today she decided to kiss that cute baby in the mirror!

Crawling has been mastered at 8 1/2 months old! (No more army crawling YAY!)

Also....Nevaeh has her 2nd tooth! Bottom front!  So there you have it.....Another tooth, crawling and kissing on her first Thanksgiving!  Woot!

Monday, November 22, 2010


Wiping her own hands?  Na!  It's a new cheap toy!  The smallest things entertain her!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


See that tongue?  She is constantly rubbing her tongue along her gums and one tooth.  She even smacks her lips together and looks like a fish or a turtle mouth!  Tooooo funny!  Night time is interesting these days.  We can still get her to sleep a total of 10-12 hours, but with many jaunts to the crib to put her pacifier back in.  Luckily that's all she needs and is not wide awake throughout the night.  Lately she is making use of the space in her crib. She starts off in the middle on her back and through out the night, she moves to all corners of the crib and buries her face into the bumpers.....Luckily we switched to breathable bumpers to lessen our worries about suffocation.  She spent the night at our house last night.....let's just say, I am not as young as I used to be and getting up every hour on the hour to insert a pacifier played havoc on my tired body!  Hats off to the moms who have babies with sleep issues......I am not so sure I could do it every single night and then function the next day!  At least in my case, she goes home to Mommy and Daddy and this Grandma gets a rest!  No wait....I have to clean the house in time for the Holidays!  Maybe I can slip in a nap!  (As I was thinking back, I remember Courtney going through this phase, but she would be wide awake each time....not just needing a pacifier.....I looked back at her baby book, I think the mistake I made back then was giving in and giving her a bottle and then that became a routine.....She was pretty smart, and outsmarted me.....once she realized she could get what she wanted from the zombie Mommy, she ended up in my bed on a routine basis, just so I could get some sleep.  Note to self.....remind Courtney not to make the same mistake that this Mommy did with her!........I know, easier said than done!)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

8m7d- NEW TOYS

She spotted the toy and crawled over to it! (A real crawl with hands and knees working in unison!)....Up on the her knees she went!

She pushes up with her feet and toes to stand...Hilarious!

Learning her new toy!

The dino push toy will take some time to learn.  It rolls easily and she doesn't know how to move her feet forward.  She will hold on with her feet stationary while leaning forward....with some help she will move her feet......I'm sure it won't be long before she has it mastered.  She is a quick learner!

She seems to like the dino as a sitting toy!

Monday, November 15, 2010


 Nevaeh attempted to pull herself up to this walker several times with no luck because it would roll away with every attempt.  Sooooo Nevaeh outsmarted the walker by crawling and pushing the walker up against the coffee table.....Once it couldn't move any more, she pulled herself up to the walker and played for a good 10 minutes in the standing position!.......Then she cried because she didn't know how to sit back down without falling down!  (Now that takes some reasoning skills....and only 8 months to boot!)
Standing yet again!!!!  Soon this doggy gate will have to be replaced with a taller baby gate!

 First time pulling herself up to the couch! Once she decided she could pull herself up to just about anything, she hasn't stopped all day!

I was soooooo excited to see and hear about this new skill (thought the other day was a fluke....fooled me) that I actually couldn't wait to get off work and buy her these new toys for our house!  We get to have her tomorrow evening while Mommy works.....can't wait to play with our....I mean her new toys! 

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Nevaeh meets her cousin, Rayelyn Faith who is 5 days old!  This makes Grandma and Grandpa Barnett's 17th grandchild! WOW!  Nevaeh is no longer the littlest baby on that side of the family!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Getting ready for Flu shot number 2!  Smiling for the moment!

Still smiling with Auntie Caitie hours after the shot!

Now for the new tricks....Nevaeh does a "high five" when someone puts their hand up and says "high five" she will hit their hand!  And....she is starting to reach for people.....awe....warms my heart when she reaches for me.  I've noticed that she is not a big giver away of kisses yet....not sure if she ever will be.....Neither was/is Mommy.  I remember bribing her for kisses when Mommy was little.  Even today, she will lean over for a peck on the cheek.....but hates kisses on the lips from me.  I hope Nevaeh eventually wants and gives kisses!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


OMG- Nevaeh pulled herself into a standing position at her bouncy seat, walked up around the top, walked down the other side to the bottom of the seat, accidentally turned on the vibration button....it scared her and she let go....once she realized she was STANDING ALL BY HERSELF, she fell down and cried!  LOL!!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Dear Nevaeh, 

Today you are 8 months old!  Time sure is flying by.  I find myself stopping and soaking in the moments with you.  I didn't do that when your Mommy was little because.....well to be honest with you, I'm not sure why....I remember  cherishing my time with Mommy but not slowing down to enjoy the little things.  The little things that I see in you.  I smile when I watch you learn new things or just explore on your own....the memories just flood back from the past, while I am making new memories with you.

You are growing like a weed.  Since you don't have a doctor's appointment this month, I am guessing you are about 19 1/2 lbs.  Wish I could measure you, but you are toooo squirmy for that!  You can wear some 6 month clothes, but 6-9 months fit you better.  You are still in a size 3 diaper and a size 4 shoe.  Today when I gave you a bath, I noticed that your baby rolls are disappearing!  There for awhile, you had two very big fat rolls on your legs.  Then a few months ago, just one fat roll.....now that last fat roll is slowly disappearing! Sometimes I look at you and notice that your baby face is turning into a toddler face looking back at me with inquisitive eyes! I think you look older because of all your hair.  We have to pull it up on top in a pony tail to keep it out of your face.  Mommy doesn't want to cut it! 

You are a very good eater.  You still like your bottles thickened with rice cereal.  You get one morning bottle and a night bottle.  You also eat lunch and dinner but don't like the runny stage two baby food, but not ready for stage 3, so Mommy and Daddy thicken the baby food with rice cereal.  You love your veges and fruit and open wide for every bite.  You drink from a sippy cup here and there and are starting to eat biscut sticks and fruit melts.  You are even trying some creamed table foods like mashed potatoes.  

Your fine motor skills are very good.  I see you reaching for and picking up items with ease.  Recently you started the beginning stages of real crawling vs. the army crawling.  You will get up on your hands and knees, rock back and forth and take a few "steps" forward with the correct hand and leg motions .....then you fall flat on your belly again and army crawl because it it quicker.  Just last week you pulled yourself up to your bouncy chair onto our knees and Daddy even said you pulled yourself up on your feet....but only for a split second before falling down.  You love bath time and can sit and play with your toys in the water and splash away!  Your vocabulary is growing.  You've been saying dada and dadeee for a long time and know who Daddy is!  Just today, you started saying mama more, over and over....you've said it here and there in the past but not often and not sure if means anything or just a new word right now.  I've heard you say baba and TaTa (grandpa in Hindi for Grandpa Dason).  By the way, you have Grandpa Dason wrapped around your little finger!  Sometimes I even see tears in his eyes when he looks at you!  This melts my heart!

You are still a very content baby and very good sleeper. Even during the teething stage!  You have one tooth! You have recently been sleeping on your side and now on your belly! You are able to self soothe....all you need is a binkie and blankie and you will sleep anywhere (as you can see by the picture below!)....but you love, love, love it when Daddy rocks you to sleep with a lullaby!  Simply precious!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

7m29d- TOOTH!

If you look close enough, you can see her tooth on the left, lower front showing in this beautiful smile!  I think the other one next to it will pop through soon!


Nevaeh sure knows the meaning of the word NO.  Yesterday, she pulled Auntie Caitie's hair.  Auntie Caitie said NO NO NO in a harsh tone and pointed at Nevaeh.  Well......that's all she had to do!  The big crocodile tears and loud cries started immediately and lasted for a good 5 minutes (not kidding) and then the sobs (you know the kind that happens after the big cry with the chest heaving) for another 45 minutes!!!  I'm not sure whose feelings were hurt more....Nehaveh's or Aunt Caitlin's! (This broke Caitlin's heart!)

Saturday, November 6, 2010



Nevaeh visited with her Grandma Baker yesterday.  She found a drawer to open and close (something that Mommy won't let her do at home)....she did this for over a 1/2 hour. The smallest things keep her attention!

After playing for awhile, it was nap time.  Grandma gave her the blankie and binkie and off to sleep she went for a nice long nap.  She is a good self soother.  When she woke up she looked around and looked back at Grandma ......slowly the tears welled up and the lips puckered for a cry on and off for over an hour......she even cried in between bites of food during lunch.....she just couldn't figure out where Mommy and Daddy were!  Finally Sadie the dog caught her attention.  She LOVES dogs!  Nevaeh would hit Sadie's paw and Sadie would swat her paw back gently into Nevaeh's hand.  They played and played with each other.  Later in the day, Uncle Andrew and Grandma took Nevaeh to Blue Fusion (entertainment place for kids).....Guess what she played with for over an hour...a blue paper plate!  HA!

Friday, November 5, 2010

7m27d- SHE DID WHAT?

Nevaeh pulled herself to an upright position on her knees by holding onto the bouncy seat!....She even pulled herself into a standing position for a split second but it was so quick Daddy couldn't catch it with the camera!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


When Nevaeh is sleepy, she covers her face with a blankie.  She's done this since she was a couple months old.  At first it bothered us....worried she would smother....now it is her routine!

Still sleepy....not about to smile!

Finally awake and willing to smile!

Ultrasound Video- Watch Baby Nevaeh Grow!

Watch Courtney's Belly Grow!