Dear Nevaeh,
According to your original due date, your Mommy will be 29 weeks pregnant tomorrow! However, you continue to measure ahead of schedule around the 30 week mark. Whenever there is a two week window of measuring ahead or behind, the doctors consider this normal gestational growth, therefore we are keeping to the same routine of counting weeks by the Fridays that roll around. When I post, I look a week ahead on to get a more accurate description of how you may be growing. Right now, you are about 15.7 inches long, and weigh a little over 3 pounds! (You were 3 lbs 1oz. on last Tuesday!) A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds you, but that volume will decrease as you get bigger and take up more room in your Mommy's uterus. The ultrasound tech commented that Mommy doesn't have much more room for you to spread out since she has a short torso (Mommy is 4'10" short!)....My guess is that the belly will continue to pop out more in the front and sides since you are already lodging yourself under her rib cage! I wouldn't be surprised if Mommy's belly button disappears completely before it pops out! Your eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after you are born, you'll keep your eyes closed for a good part of the day. When you do decide to look at the world, you'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means you can only make out objects a few inches from your face.....such as my face which will continually be showering you with kisses! (Normal adult vision is 20/20.)
Tomorrow, GG Martin and I will be making the 7 hour trip to Mommy and Daddy's to help set up the nursery, touch the growing belly and marvel at your movements. I'm sure I will be taking lots of pictures and videos to post.....especially the 29 week bare belly picture....stay tuned!
We love you Baby Vaeh!
Grandma Dason
2 years ago
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