Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


You can view the slide shows of the ultrasounds and belly growth at the bottom of this blog.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


When this post appears on the blog, we will be at a SURPRISE BABY SHOWER for Courtney!  I have been wanting to write this for some time now.....but couldn't because of the surprise!  All this time, Courtney thought she was going to an engagement party for her sister!  We kept telling her that the baby shower was going to be in mid January when her and Mike came back home for the Martin Luther King Weekend......Now they don't have to make a trip back home so soon after the holidays!  Maybe Grandpa and I can make a trip to their home and help set up the baby's room!

Here are some of the things Aunt Caitlin and I have been working on:

I made the pillow shams to match the twin quilt for the bed in the baby's room.  This all matches her nursery set!

I made a cradle set to match the nursery with the extra fabric! 

With the extra fabric, I covered lamp shades to go on the dresser in the baby's room!  The lamp bases were on sale at Lowes for $9.00 and the lamp shade was $2.50 (half price at Hobby Lobby)....so it only cost $11.50 to make these!  Much better than the $50.00 lamp that matched the nursery set!

It is hard to tell in this picture, but these are art canvas boards covered with the extra fabric.  One for each of the squares in the quilt.  They can be hung on the wall above the bed or dresser as a decoration.  This cost $5.00 to make!

Aunt Caitlin painted these canvas boards (Package of 2 for $6.00 on sale at Hobbly Lobby).  We had paint left over from the letters that will hang over Nevaeh's crib.....so this project only cost $6.00.......Courtney and Mike could hang these above the dresser or twin bed as a decoration.

As a reminder these are the letters Aunt Caitlin painted earlier:

And this is the nursery set:

I can't wait to see Courtney's face during the shower when she sees these.... and I can't wait to see this all set up in the baby's room!

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Ultrasound Video- Watch Baby Nevaeh Grow!

Watch Courtney's Belly Grow!