Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


You can view the slide shows of the ultrasounds and belly growth at the bottom of this blog.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Courtney is still having a severe backache.....so much that she had to use a grocery scooter to do shopping with.  :-(  She even thinks the baby has dropped since last week.  Here's a picture of last week vs. this week.  The belly definitely looks different and Courtney can actually breathe a little easier now.

 30 Weeks....Sticking out!
31w2d....The belly looks likes the baby is in a different, lower position!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Courtney called me in the middle of the night from the emergency room.  During the day, she had a lower backache and then later in the day, the ache went across her back under the shoulder blades.....but still she thought she was just not sleeping well and her muscles hurt.  Her friend (who is pregnant as well) was experiencing sharp pains, so they took the friend to the hospital....All the way there, Courtney still hadn't convinced herself that she should see the doctor as well.  With some nudging from everyone, Courtney finally told the doctors that she wasn't feeling well either.  It is a good thing that she told them because she ended up quite the sick little girl with contractions to boot!  Turns out that both them had a kidney infection.  Courtney must have a high pain tolerance because she ended up with a 4+ culture.  Poor thing had to get a shot in the behind and cried!  I cried for her when I heard! She was also having contractions but the OB on call felt the underlying problem was the infection because her blood pressure was OK, cervix is closed, no swelling, no fever and the baby was fine.  Speaking of Nevaeh, they had a monitor on Courtney's belly and the baby wanted nothing to do with it!  She kept kicking at it the whole time!....I could even hear the kicks over the phone.....Too cute!
 Courtney is not a happy camper here!
Not sure how to read this, but here's the recorded contractions. The contractions are hitting the 40 mark which means onset of early stages of labor, however, the nurse did not say how far apart the contractions were, and Courtney didn't think to ask.

Hopefully the shot and oral meds do the trick.  So far, she has had a constant backache today, and since she didn't know she was having contractions last night, its hard to tell if she is today.....because they are in her back, not in her belly (or should I say worse in her back than in her belly).....I bet she has back labor when she does finally have this baby!  She sees the doctor again on Tuesday!

Friday, January 29, 2010


The bruise is from the Lovenox Shot.

Looks like more stretch marks.....Darn!  Hopefully they go away after the birth.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Dear Nevaeh,

Your Mommy is now 31 weeks pregnant and you are measuring consistently one week ahead at 32 weeks!  According to babycenter.com, by now, you weigh around 3.75 pounds and are about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your Mommy's belly! From this point on, you should gain about 6-8 oz. each week! WOW! In fact, you'll gain a third to half of your birth weight during the next 7 weeks as you fatten up for survival outside Mommy's tummy. I can't wait to see what you weigh during the 34 week ultrasound.  Mommy should start gaining about a pound a week now, which will put her total weight gain at around 30 lbs. by the time you are born!    By now you have toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz).....but the ultrasound tech thinks she saw hair at your last 3D ultrasound! Your skin is becoming soft and smooth as you plump up in preparation for birth.  I AM GETTING SOOOO VERY EXCITED TO SEE YOUR BEAUTIFUL LITTLE FACE!

Mommy will send me a 31 week bare belly picture to post tomorrow!

Love you much!
Grandma Dason

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Courtney's OB appointment went well!  The 2nd degree burn on her arm is healing and not infected!  THANK YOU GOD! He reiterated that the cream is only topical and will not harm the baby so she is to keep the cream on during the healing process.  Courtney's blood pressure is under control at 98/60.(Yea!) Nevaeh's heartbeat is good and strong, and the belly is measuring 32 weeks!  I knew it looked bigger in the last picture.  The good news is that Courtney only gained one pound, so now she's up a total of 23 lbs.   He asked if Courtney has any concerns and she said she couldn't sleep because the baby moves alot, can not get comfortable due to the huge belly, has reflux, and can't breathe because the baby is squishing her lungs and the doc said GOOD that means the baby is growing as it should.......so I guess she needs to find comfort in those words during the uncomfortable 3rd trimester stage of pregnancy!

He wants to start seeing her every week from this point on (WOOT!) Still wants to do another 2D growth scan ultrasound at 34 weeks! The nurse mentioned that during the next visit  Courtney would be tested for Group B streptococcus (GBS) which is a type of bacterial infection that can be found in a pregnant woman’s vagina or rectum. This bacteria is normally found in the vagina and/or lower intestine of 15% to 40% of all healthy, adult women. Those women who test positive for GBS are said to be colonized. A mother can pass GBS to her baby during delivery. GBS is responsible for affecting about 1 in every 2,000 babies in the United States. Not every baby who is born to a mother who tests positive for GBS will become ill. Although GBS is rare in pregnant women, the outcome can be severe, and therefore physicians include testing as a routine part of prenatal care. 

He still can't give Courtney a 100% on the proposed induction date of 3/17/10 because the hospital schedule for rounds is not out yet and he wants to be the one to deliver her!  So far 3/17/10 is a 60% guess at this point.  24 hours before induction, Courtney will need to take her LAST Lovenox shot and when the blood test confirms she is ready, he will let her have an epidural for the pain.

In a personal conversation with the doctor, he said he mentioned Courtney to his mother. Her maiden name is the same as Courtney's married name and he wants to know if they are related.  He wants Courtney to check it out with Mike and even said where his mother lives......so he was serious.....not just making small talk! He has developed a personal bond with Courtney which makes me smile and now he wants to see if they are related!  NOT MANY DOCTORS TAKE THIS KIND OF TIME WITH THEIR PATIENTS.....WE LOVE THIS OB!

On a funny note.....Here's how our conversation ended today over the phone:

Courtney: I am getting stressed and soon may be freaking out!
Me:  "I know, I am freaking out already!"
Courtney: "Wait a minute, Mom!  You can't freak out, I need you!  You need to keep me sane!"

I reassured her that I was only freaking out thinking of what little time I have to organize my work, finish essay requirements for this class I am taking, and planning a wedding for Caitlin before the baby comes.....we are running out of days!  I promised to not freak out and support her during the delivery!  WHAT A MIRACLE IT WILL BE TO SEE MY BABY DELIVER HER BABY!  (In all honesty, I may freak out just a little on the inside....but promise to not show it on the outside!)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Courtney is really uncomfortable since Nevaeh is squishing her lungs!  She can't sleep, can't sit for long periods of time, has acid reflux, morning sickness (AGAIN) and on top of that nursing a burnt arm......But in the end, it will all be worth it!

Nevaeh doesn't like anything on Courtney's stomach (baby, dog, books, purse, arms, even a little cell phone....) Nevaeh will kick at them until they move!  Yesterday, Courtney had her arms resting on the belly as she typed on her laptop and Nevaeh wanted nothing to do with it!  She kicked and kicked at Courtney's arms.....When Courtney didn't respond, Nevaeh kicked REALLY hard at Courtney's hip bone as if to say "Take That!  I'll Show You Whose Boss!"

Here's a picture of a quilt square that Grandma Barnett is making.  The baby in the picture is Courtney.  Other quilt squares will have pictures of other family members......IT WILL BE A BEAUTIFUL KEEPSAKE!

Friday, January 22, 2010


The belly has definitely grown since last week.  Courtney is finding stretch marks and she has about 7.5 more weeks to go!  Hopefully they do not turn into the deep red marks that stick after birth.  Time will tell!  Nevaeh had the hiccups for the first time last night!

29 weeks

30 weeks....Can you see the difference in just one week?

If you look close enough, you can see the belly button is flush with the tummy!  The belly button piercings are now slits rather than holes.....wonder if they will go back to normal "roundness" or stay stretched out after the belly goes down? (Those of you who have experienced this already are probably laughing at this grandma question! LOL)

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Dear Nevaeh,

I have been waiting so long to be able to write that your Mommy has made the 30 week mark in this pregnancy. It makes me smile to see the pregnancy ticker covering the 30 week mark on the time line! According to the last ultrasound, you are still measuring one week ahead! Each day that goes by helps you to grow bigger and stronger for a successful birth....This week you should be measuring over 16 inches long and weigh about 3.3 pounds! According to babycenter.com you should be heading into a growth spurt. Your  arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath your skin. You are also moving a lot, too! Now that you are bigger than the anterior placenta, which has cushioned many of your movements, Mommy can see and feel you move more often than ever before.  Last night you kicked her soooo hard that you woke her up!  She said it was the strongest kick she felt so far!  This makes me smile because I know all these movements are signs that you are active and healthy!

Due to an induction you will be here in less than 8 weeks!  I am counting down the days.....55 more days to go!

The 30 week bare belly picture will be posted tomorrow!

Grandma Dason

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Today's OB appointment went great! (29w5d).  Blood pressure is a under control at 100/60!  Courtney gained 1 lb. in the last two weeks...total weight gain is 22 lbs!!!  Not bad for being close to 30 weeks pregnant! The belly must be measuring within normal ranges because he didn't seem concerned and just kept talking! He also looked at last week's ultrasound and stated that everything looked GREAT!....and...He wants to do another 2D growth scan at 34 weeks (Woot!)

Courtney asked about pediatricians, but this OB wants Nevaeh to be seen by the hospital's Neonatologist who is a subspecialty of pediatrics that consists of the medical care of high risk newborn infants.  He/she has a hospital-based specialty, and practices in the neonatal intensive care units (NICUs).  Once the baby gets the green light, recommendations for pediatricians will be made at that time based on the level of care needed.....if any... above the normal infant check ups!  He doesn't foresee any problems, but he does like to be extra cautious since Courtney has been on blood thinners throughout this pregnancy!

While we were visiting over the weekend, Courtney burnt her arm pretty bad when she took the lid off of a pot on the stove!  OUCH!  The on-call doctor recommended Benadryl Cream.  Her OB today seemed very concerned because it is a 2nd degree burn!  He is worried about possible infection which could harm the baby.  He prescribed a different cream called Silvadene but then a nurse who has a background in burn units looked at Courntey's arm and recommended a different cream  (Biafine Emulsion cream isn't absorbed into the blood stream, therefore the risk of it interacting with another medicines or the baby is low!).....They did reassure Courtney that the cream benefits would outweigh any risks in this situation.  If her burn gets infected with red edges or she gets a fever, then she is to call in immediately and possibly will have to go to the hospital for antibiotics for an infection.....We pray all heals well!  The OB wants to see Courtney next Wednesday to take another look at the burn!  He is such a wonderful doctor!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Dear Nevaeh,
Here are pictures of your first home that Mommy and Daddy rented just before your birth.  Daddy is in his 2nd enlistment in the Army right now and both Mommy and Daddy are going to school.  Mommy is getting an Occupational Therapy Assist Degree and Daddy is getting a degree in Criminal Justice.  They are trying very hard to provide a good life for you.  I am very proud of them!

 You can see the pack-n-play in the corner....all set up and ready for you!

 This glider rocker was the Christmas gift from us.  It was suppose to go in your nursery, but Mommy loved it soooooo much she insisted it go in the living room for all to use!

 The kitchen and eating area are small, but Mommy doesn't like to cook anyway!  She takes after me! In the back left corner, your highchair is folded and waiting for you when you get bigger!

 GG Martin was a BIG help in setting up your nursery!

 We thought about putting the pack-n-play where the ottoman is, but Mommy and Daddy wanted to be able to seat more guests, if need be.....Especially when the house is full of people gazing at you!

 "4 Generation" picture! (Mommy is 29w4d pregnant!) I absolutely loved feeling an elbow or a foot of yours rolling across Mommy's belly!

Love Grandma Dason

Monday, January 18, 2010


Dear Nevaeh,
Grandma Dason and GG Martin helped Mommy and Daddy set up your nursery this weekend!  We took pictures for you to remember your very first bedroom!






Sunday, January 17, 2010


Here's the 29 weeks bare belly pictures as promised.  I am visiting the kids this weekend working on the nursery, so I was able to take these pictures in person....feel the baby move, roll and kick....what a wonderful feeling!  (Don't forget to look at the belly growth video at the top of this blog!)......Nursery pictures will be posted later this week when I have time!


Thursday, January 14, 2010


Dear Nevaeh,
According to your original due date, your Mommy will be 29 weeks pregnant tomorrow!  However, you continue to measure ahead of schedule around the 30 week mark.  Whenever there is a two week window of measuring ahead or behind, the doctors consider this normal gestational growth, therefore we are keeping to the same routine of counting weeks by the Fridays that roll around.  When I post, I look a week ahead on Babycenter.com to get a more accurate description of how you may be growing.  Right now, you are  about 15.7 inches long, and weigh a little over 3 pounds! (You were 3 lbs 1oz. on last Tuesday!) A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds you, but that volume will decrease as you get bigger and take up more room in your Mommy's uterus. The ultrasound tech commented that Mommy doesn't have much more room for you to spread out since she has a short torso (Mommy is 4'10" short!)....My guess is that the belly will continue to pop out more in the front and sides since you are already lodging yourself under her rib cage!  I wouldn't be surprised if Mommy's belly button disappears completely before it pops out!  Your eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after you are born, you'll keep your eyes closed for a good part of the day. When you do decide to look at the world, you'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means you can only make out objects a few inches from your face.....such as my face which will continually be showering you with kisses!  (Normal adult vision is 20/20.)

Tomorrow, GG Martin and I will be making the 7 hour trip to Mommy and Daddy's to help set up the nursery, touch the growing belly and marvel at your movements.  I'm sure I will be taking lots of pictures and videos to post.....especially the 29 week bare belly picture....stay tuned!

We love you Baby Vaeh!
Grandma Dason

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Courtney had a growth check 2D ultrasound at the OB's office.  Baby Vaeh is measuring 29w1d and is 3lbs. 1oz already!  Her heart rate is a steady 155 and she is head down this time....wonder if she will stay in this position....time will tell!

She has a BEAUTIFUL profile!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Dear Nevaeh,
Today, I started a new course for my doctoral work.....as I was listing due dates on my calendar, I realized that the timing of the last class assignment is just before your induction date!  Since doing research and writing essays are not exactly my favorite things to do, the next 10 weeks should fly by because I will be dreading the assignment due dates!  I guess that is one way to keep my mind off of this pregnancy......yeah right!

Your Aunt Caitlin is also busy with her Nursing classes and will be taking final exams during your Mommy's possible induction date  :-(  Maybe her professors will take pity on her and let her test early so she can help coach her sister through the birth!

Your G.G. Richards is also taking undergraduate classes and will be busy with finals....then there is your Mommy who is obsessing over the induction date.....as soon as she has you, she has to go back to school for finals, as well. Daddy is also taking classes, but promises to focus on your birth when the time comes!

As you can see, higher education is of importance in your family......WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE/DO WHEN YOU GROW UP?????  LOL

Grandma Dason

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Here's a video of Baby Vaeh moving...the belly ripples about 3 to 4 seconds into the video and then here and there through the rest of the video....watch closely! I tried several times to upload a second video where she gives a sharp kick, but for some reason I keep getting an error message so I gave up! But at least I have it saved on my home computer to watch in my spare time! LOL

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Before Courtney switched her nursing classes to occupational therapy, she had labor and delivery rounds at the hospital as part of her coursework so she decided not to take the birthing class offered.  Caitlin, her sister just sat through a 6 hour birthing class as part of her nursing requirements. The neatest thing they did to help the dads understand what moms are going through was to have each person put a handful of ice in a clinched fist and hold it there for 1 minute while practicing the breathing techniques......of course I had to try this when Caitlin explained it.  I only lasted 10 seconds.  Thank God I am not the one having the baby!!!!

Also discussed was the hospital bag that should be packed and ready about a month before the due date:
Focal Point
Music (MP3)
Sour Candy
Lip Balm
Mouth Wash
Warm Socks
Items for Massages
List of Phone Numbers
Change for Vending Machines
Hand Mirror
Pen and Paper
Camcorder or Camera
Extra Pillows
Breast Feeding Pillow
2-3 Nursing Bras and Pads
Toileting Products
Baby Outfits
Infant Car Seat
Comfortable Outfit for Mommy to Wear Home (Thanks for this suggestion, Mellow!)

Friday, January 8, 2010


Here are the 28 week bare belly pictures as promised!  Don't forget to look at the belly growth video at the top of the blog....

The belly is getting rounder and the belly button is close to the surface!  I bet it pops out in the next couple of weeks.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Dear Nevaeh,

Your Mommy is 28 weeks (7 months) pregnant!!!!  The transition between 27 to 28 weeks (3rd Trimester!!!) has been a long time coming.....I can finally breathe a little easier.....yet it probably won't stop me from calling your Mommy daily and asking her if she felt you move or heard your heartbeat.  After 3 miscarriages, everyday is a miracle in the making during this pregnancy!!!  We are so blessed that you are entering our lives!

Even though Mommy is 28 weeks, you are measuring 29 weeks!  According to Babycenter.com  You weigh about 2 1/2 pounds and are a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. Your muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and your head is growing bigger to make room for your developing brain.  This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium will be deposited in your hardening skeleton each day.  You are growing bigger and stronger....if you were born today, you would have about a 90-95% survival rate.....Let's just hope you stay put for another 10 weeks until Mommy is induced!

Mommy promises to send me a 28 week belly picture soon.  She is positive her belly has grown rounder and bigger this past week!  We look forward to seeing you on the 2D ultrasound at the OB's office next Tuesday!

Love, Grandma Dason

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

27w5d- OB VISIT

Courtney had her 27w5d OB visit today.  The baby's heart rate is fine and seems to be growing as the belly continues to get bigger!  Typically, the baby has been measuring one week ahead, which puts her at 28w5d (close to 29, right?).......well, the belly measured 30 weeks!  Courtney only gained 1 lb. over the last two weeks (total weight gain is 21 lbs. so far) , so the baby must really be putting on the baby fat and getting longer!  Doctor doesn't seemed concerned but did decide to schedule an ultrasound to take another look.  The last OB ultrasound was at the 20 week growth scan. I think he wants to be certain how far along the baby is, since there will be an induction!  We don't want to have her delivered tooooo soon, nor do we want to go tooooo late and chance natural labor since Courtney has to time her last Lovenox blood thinner shot........ So next Tuesday, we will get another peek at the cutie pie!  Courtney's BP is 104/60 (YEA!), and cervix is long and closed :-)

Courtney's next OB visit will be on Jan. 20th!  She has been very lucky to have appointments every two weeks throughout this pregnancy.  While she was waiting for the doctor, baby Vaeh was doing a little tummy dance!  Courtney tried to record the movements with her cell phone, but no luck.  It is almost as if the baby knows someone is watching.....when watching, she stops moving!  DARN!

Courtney asked how many people can be in the delivery room and the doc replied....."As many as you want!".......WE LOVE THIS DOCTOR!  I just hope that we make the 7 hour drive in time to watch this little miracle enter this world!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Courtney's sister Caitlin organized this surprise baby shower!  She did such a nice job and I really think Courtney was surprised!  Baby Vaeh will be the Flower Girl in Caitlin's future wedding when she is about 19 months old!  HOW SPECIAL!

Cousin Eva made this cake!

Great, Great Aunt Sue made this food!

Grandma Barnett, Mommy and Daddy

Mommy and Grandma Baker

Mommy, Daddy and Grandma Dason

Great Grandma Richards, Mommy, Daddy and Grandma Dason

Courtney received many nice gifts including the nursery set, stroller/travel system, pack-n-play, highchair, swing, bouncy seat, hand knitted and crocheted blankets as well as many beautiful clothes!  There were sooooo many gifts that Mike had to rent a u-haul in order to take the gifts back home because their vehicle was already packed with Christmas gifts.  I just got off the phone with Courtney and she was already organizing the stuff......and they have only been home for about 1/2 hour after a 7 hour drive!

Not pictured above is Great Grandma Martin.  She was in the hospital from a  mild heart attack followed by Pneumonia.  She was very upset that she had to miss this shower......but I promised to share all the pictures with her!  She needs to get well because she wants to stay with Courtney and Mike when the baby is born to help while Courtney finishes school!  SAYING MANY PRAYERS FOR GREAT GRANDMA MARTIN!

Saturday, January 2, 2010


When this post appears on the blog, we will be at a SURPRISE BABY SHOWER for Courtney!  I have been wanting to write this for some time now.....but couldn't because of the surprise!  All this time, Courtney thought she was going to an engagement party for her sister!  We kept telling her that the baby shower was going to be in mid January when her and Mike came back home for the Martin Luther King Weekend......Now they don't have to make a trip back home so soon after the holidays!  Maybe Grandpa and I can make a trip to their home and help set up the baby's room!

Here are some of the things Aunt Caitlin and I have been working on:

I made the pillow shams to match the twin quilt for the bed in the baby's room.  This all matches her nursery set!

I made a cradle set to match the nursery with the extra fabric! 

With the extra fabric, I covered lamp shades to go on the dresser in the baby's room!  The lamp bases were on sale at Lowes for $9.00 and the lamp shade was $2.50 (half price at Hobby Lobby)....so it only cost $11.50 to make these!  Much better than the $50.00 lamp that matched the nursery set!

It is hard to tell in this picture, but these are art canvas boards covered with the extra fabric.  One for each of the squares in the quilt.  They can be hung on the wall above the bed or dresser as a decoration.  This cost $5.00 to make!

Aunt Caitlin painted these canvas boards (Package of 2 for $6.00 on sale at Hobbly Lobby).  We had paint left over from the letters that will hang over Nevaeh's crib.....so this project only cost $6.00.......Courtney and Mike could hang these above the dresser or twin bed as a decoration.

As a reminder these are the letters Aunt Caitlin painted earlier:

And this is the nursery set:

I can't wait to see Courtney's face during the shower when she sees these.... and I can't wait to see this all set up in the baby's room!

Friday, January 1, 2010



Here are the 27 week bare belly pictures!  Don't forget to look at the belly video at the top of the blog!

Ultrasound Video- Watch Baby Nevaeh Grow!

Watch Courtney's Belly Grow!