Dear Nevaeh,
As Grandma sits here and types this, the clock is ticking towards a new year and decade of 2010! I remember when the calendar flipped from 1999 to 2000.......the start of a new here we are 10 years later with our first grandchild on the way!
Mommy is 27 weeks pregnant but you are still measuring ahead of schedule at 28 weeks! According to you weigh about 2lbs. 6 oz. and are a little over 15 inches long from head to toes! Your have hair and eyelashes. (We could see some hair at the 26 week ultrasound.....pretty cool!) Your eyesight is developing and if Mommy put a flashlight on her belly, you might "chase" it! You are also developing billions of neurons in your brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world. 11 more weeks until the induction date! WOW! I will never forget how cool it was to say your Mommy was 11 weeks we are on the opposite end counting down the 11 weeks until we can hold you in our arms!
Here is a mold of your Mommy's foot when she was just a few weeks old! I LOVE BABY FEET!....I can't wait to see yours and take pictures or even do a mold for your Mommy to keep for you one day!
Mommy will be here I will get the 27 week belly picture up soon!
Grandma Dason
2 years ago
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