Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


You can view the slide shows of the ultrasounds and belly growth at the bottom of this blog.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Dear Nevaeh,
Today is December 3rd, 2009.....my 46th birthday!  I am excited and sad at the same time.....sad because I am at home sick!  Sick on my birthday!! (Just a cold, so I am not worried about HINI).....happy because I have been counting down the days to this day on the calendar.  I kept telling myself that if all was well with Mommy's pregnancy, we would start buying diapers for you with our weekly grocery items....Your Great Grandma and Grandpa Richards did this for me when I was pregnant with Mommy!  I want to keep up the tradition!  The time has finally arrived!  Yea!!!!

In about 9 hours, Mommy will be 23 weeks pregnant.....but you should be measuring more like 24 weeks!  I have wanted to write that number for some time now!!!!  I was watching the news last night and Children's Hospitial in Columbus reported a higher success rate with premature babies born at 22 weeks.....of course with a lot of medical intervention!  We are praying that you stay in Mommy's belly for about 14 more weeks!

Since I am at home all day, I have been passing the time away by watching the  Baby Story on TLC (I should be writing my paper for my doctoral class.....but chose the TV over course work!)  I get excited and anxious while watching these shows......I even caught myself holding my breath during the birth of a baby on the TV.......God help me when it is my baby having you, my granddaughter.....if I hold my breath tooooo long, I might pass out!  LOL!

Mommy has an OB appointment on Monday.  She has to take the glucose test for gestational diabetes.  I have a feeling it will turn out negative, since mommy has no signs of this problem so far.  Courtney is also hoping to pinpoint a due date since she will be induced.  Pinpointing a due date is important for two reasons.....the first reason is to plan her last few undergraduate classes around the birth (4 more classes).  Mommy will be an OTA when she graduates! Daddy will have a few more classes until he graduates with a criminal justice degree while still in the ARMY.  I am very proud of both of them for planning ahead to ensure that you have a wonderful life!  A second reason for pinpointing a due date is to plan around everyone's work schedule ....especially since most of the grandparents live about 7 hours away!  IT IS MY GOAL TO BE THERE WHEN YOU ARE BORN!

We love you!
Grandma Dason

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Ultrasound Video- Watch Baby Nevaeh Grow!

Watch Courtney's Belly Grow!