Dear Nevaeh,
My what a difference a month makes! In the past week or so, you have readily walked all over the place (But you still like to crawl alot, too!) Your two teeth have turned into 6 or 7 over night! Hard to tell because you won't let us look in your mouth! You eat just about anything now and you are even good at holding a cup on your own and drinking from a straw on your own.....Before, we had to pinch the straw or you would suck toooo much up and choke! You are even getting good at holding your own food and taking reasonable bites and chewing before you swallow! You still love your morning and night cereal bottles with milk vs. formula. But you never cry for a bottle during the day. Even though you are a good eater, you haven't gained any weight, but you continue to get taller. I see you slimming down....Your little body reminds me of a toddler vs. the rollie, pollie baby you used to be. You are even losing your cankles! HAHA! You still wear size 12 month clothes, size 3 diapers and size 4 shoe.
Your vocabulary blows me away. You say many one words on your own with meaning such as dolly, dog, Mommy, Daddy, bite, Chael, Caite and so on.....recently you've put two words together such as NO Chael, Awe Baby, Tank Qu (Thank you) can even count 1, 2, 3 on your own! Amazing! The other day, Mommy was watching some kiddie you-tube videos and you sat and watched intently! You even tried to do the hand motions to The Itsy Bitsy Spider song as you swayed to the music!
You are getting more loving to all of us and initiate kisses, hugs, back pats and nuzzling......but you also have a side to you that isn't too loving. For example, you do not know how to share, and you will hit other kids or try to push them out of your way. You even had your first time-out for acting this way, which was less than one minute, but you were devastated! Mommy thinks you are too young for time out, but I believe you understand right from wrong and now is the time to teach you good play habits.
I love you, my sweet Nevaeh! Looking forward to what next month brings us!
Love, Grandma Dason
2 years ago
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