You can view the slide shows of the ultrasounds and belly growth at the bottom of this blog.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
This collage is Nevaeh's (almost) 11 month photo!
Nevaeh (almost) 11 months, Jordyn 4, Madelyn 5 (Jordyn's half sister with his Mommy), Alexis 5
The family seems to keep growing, now that Madelyn wants to spend the night with the Courtney and Mike and her brother Jordyn. It is cute to hear her call me grandma!
Courtney and Mike....oooops I mean Mommy and Daddy!
3.5 YRS.- 3T pants, 4T tops, size 8 shoe! Knows her colors!!!!! Started gymnastics! Weighs 27lbs!
3.25 YRS. - Started online Preschool
3 YRS. OLD!- 25lbs., 33" tall! Size 2T pants and 3T tops and size 7 shoe. Tiny little thing!
2.75 YRS- Matches colors!
2.5 YRS.- 23.4 lbs. and 32.5" tall! size 24 mos. clothes., size 6 shoe. NO PACI!, Blankie at bedtime, Terrible Twos! Started dance class ! - Ballet/Tap, Ears Pierced! Counts backwards from 10!
2.25 YRS.- can drink from a cup with no lid, counts to five in Spanish! Paci only when she sleeps and POTTY TRAINED 1 month shy of 2.5 yrs.!!
2 Years old- 22lbs.& 32.5" tall, 18 mos. clothes, size 4 diaper and size 5.5 shoe...Talks up a storm in full sentences!
21 MONTHS- Tells us she is One, with one finger! Counts to 29!
20 MONTHS- Asked to go potty! Asked to spend the night over the phone!. Blows nose!
18.5 MONTHS- Asks why in complete sentences !
18 MONTHS-19 lbs 15oz., 30 3/4 inches tall. Singing songs from the Radio! Counts to 20.
17 MONTHS- pee peed in the potty! Sings ABC song and counts to 10.
16 MONTHS- Singing!
15 MONTHS- 20 lbs., 29.5 inches tall
14.5 MONTHS- Starting to tell us "pee diaper, poo poo diaper", showing interest in sitting on potty
13.5 MONTHS- Says two words (HI GRANDMA, NO CHAEL), counts (1,2,3); 6-7 Teeth!! 3 word sentences "It's a boo boo"
12.5 MONTHS- Colors with left hand, says ta ku (thank you), two top, front teeth! Blows and gives kisses all the time!
12 MONTHS-19 1/2 lbs.(23rd%), and 29 inches long (40th%), Stands from a sitting position unaided, Talks like Donald Duck! Drinks from a straw and uses a spoon to feed herself.
11.5 MONTHS- Blows kisses! Two words " Nevaeh Bite!" Points to her body parts on command. Climbs down the stairs. Walked just before her 1st birthday!
11 MONTHS- Says HI on the phone! Brushes her teeth, also starting to push her arms into her shirt sleeves when getting ready! Blows on her food to cool it down!
10.5 MONTHS- Table food, juice from sippy cup (no more baby food!) Stands for about 30 seconds before falling, climbs stairs!
10 MONTHS- Tatee (Caitie), nods and says Yes...tries to repeat many of our words!
9.5 MONTHS- says dog, sht (shirt), sit, hi, bite, nak (snack) and woof woof! "Stands" on her knees, can get off the couch by herself!
9 MONTHS- 19 1/2 lbs. & 27" long, shakes head NO, finger foods (puffs), "walks" with a push toy! Says BaBa (bottle) and Bye! Hair long enough to curl with curlig iron!
8.5 MONTHS- Crawling, 2nd tooth, and kissing self in mirror!
8 MONTHS- Approx. 19.6 lbs., sits in bathtub! Stands and walks around furniture! Reaches for people, does High Five! Plays Peek-a-Boo!
7 1/2 MONTHS-crawling position on hands and knees, patty cakes, stage two baby foods thickened with rice cereal, introduced sippy cup, first tooth!!!
7 MONTHS- 18lbs. 13oz., 26 " long, knows her name, scoots EVERYWHERE, waves HI all the time, 6 mos. clothes, pretends cough, claps hands, started baby video flashcards
6 MONTHS- 18.6 lbs. 25 inches long! Trying to crawl, says MaMa, stage two baby foods
5 1/2 MONTHS- Hates green beans, Rolls both ways, waves hello and first word is Dada, First hair trimmed!
4 1/2 MONTHS- 16 lbs. 6 oz. 24 1/4 inches long. Holds bottle and toys, learning to scoot on floor! Rolled from back to front!!! Discovered hands and tongue. Blows raspberries. Loves peaches, squash and hates peas!
4 MONTHS OLD- 15 lbs. 8 oz., 24 long. Sits unassisted for a short period of time! Started solids by spoon (loves pears and apples)
3 1/2- MONTHS OLD-15 lbs. 8oz. 24" long, 7 oz. cereal bottles, 3 times per day, sleeps 8-10 hours, "talking", slobbering, and sitting up in boppy!
3 MONTHS OLD- 13 lbs.8 oz and 23" long. Wears between a zero and size 1 shoe! 3 mos. clothes, coos and smiles alot and starting to giggle!
11 WEEKS OLD- First laugh out loud...while she was sleeping! Started Your Baby Can Read Program daily.
10 WEEKS OLD- 5-6 oz. bottles, sleeps 8 hours at night, most newborn clothes packed away!
2 MONTHS OLD!- 10lbs. 13oz., 22inches long! First set of shots!...Sleeping through the night now! (In her own room and crib!)...Starting to coo with expression and just started drooling!
7 WEEKS OLD- Transitioned to a crib at night and holds the bottle for the first time!
6 WEEKS OLD- Sleeps 6-8 hours some nights, loves her pacifier, starting to coo and smile and has found her cry!
ONE MONTH OLD- Awake more during the day. Sleeping 5-6 hours through the night. Drinking 4.5 oz. bottles now!
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