Nevaeh is measuring 34w4d, 18.5 inches long, 5lbs. 8oz with a heart rate at 135! She is also head down and face up. She loves facing the placenta....just like she did at the 20 week ultrasound! At the induction, the ultrasound tech is predicting her to be around 7.5 lbs! Wow! (Good thing Courtney is not going to 40 weeks or the baby would be around 8.5 lbs.) We saw lots of hair! Here are our favorite pictures:
See the ripples on the top and sides of Nevaeh's head? That is hair! We saw this at the 26 week ultrasound as well! She is sooooo beautiful. Jordyn asked when she was coming out!? Too cute!
Isn't it amazing we have the ability to see them this way before they are born. What a wonderful pre-birth gift! :)