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You can view the slide shows of the ultrasounds and belly growth at the bottom of this blog.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

14w5d OB VISIT

Courtney just called with the OB visit updates. She said she started to get nervous because the nurse took 3 minutes to find the heartbeat! Nevaeh moved to the upper half of the uterus! Her heartbeat was 150. If the baby would have hidden a little longer, she may have gotten another ultrasound...but no luck. Oh well, we will have to wait until November 4th for the next ultrasound, which will be a level II. This is when they start measuring her cervix. If it is a 2 or below, she will have a cerclage. If she measures between a 2 & 4 they will determine if the benefits outweigh the risks of a cerclage (case by case basis due to a slight chance of miscarriage or other pregnancy related problems). If she measures a 4 plus she is good to go! If she measures in the risky categories, then she will be scheduled for more ultrasounds as needed. Courtney will be 18w5d for the level II ultrasound. Hopefully Nevaeh is still a little girl when we see her next!!!!! If not, the baby will read these posts one day and laugh at all of us!

Courtney's blood pressure is under control 112/60. So the medication is still working nicely! Hopefully this holds true throughout the entire pregnancy. For some reason she will not share her weight gain with me....she says she keeps forgetting to ask. Hmmmm! Not sure if I believe her! The doctor discussed her tilted uterus with her, and said not to worry that approximately 40% of women have this problem.

Courtney asked about the flu shot and the H1N1 shot. Her OB is not in favor of either. Some flu shots make people sick....he doesn't want to make her sick needlessly. However, the first sign of flu symptoms she is to go directly to the emergency room. It may be tricky to determine the first signs of the flu since she is nauseous several times a day! We will say extra prayers that she stays healthy for the baby!

Next OB visit is in 2 weeks. Courtney will be 16w5d. She showed him the ultrasound pictures from last week along with measurement predictions of a week ahead. He just smiled and said it is not unusual for babies to measure ahead or behind the given due date. So I guess we are sticking with the original April 1st EDD.


  1. First I wanted to say congrats on a grand-daughter! I wanted to ask you about your daughter's Doppler. Seems like she is happy with the one she has?? Could you tell me the brand name? I want to buy one but want to get one other people recommend.

  2. Nicole,
    I posted the doppler information in my next post. Hope you find it helpful.


Ultrasound Video- Watch Baby Nevaeh Grow!

Watch Courtney's Belly Grow!