Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


You can view the slide shows of the ultrasounds and belly growth at the bottom of this blog.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012


Nevaeh was "reading" a book and Hershey was watching and listening intently! :-). Tooooo cute!

Sunday, August 26, 2012


UGGGHHH! Limiting the use of the paci and blankie to naps and bedtime is harder than potty training.....I KID YOU, NOT!  

Nevaeh is a smart little cookie and will tell us she is soooooo tired and needs a nap, just to get the paci and blankie during the day.  Now she is telling us it is dark out and time for bed (even at 6:00 pm). 

When she doesn't get the paci and blankie....cue a total meltdown!  THIS IS HARD....especially in public places!  :-(

Friday, August 24, 2012


Nevaeh started going to the babysitters now that Mommy is  back to work.  When I talked to her on the phone the other day, Nevaeh told me she had a new best friend (melt my heart)!  She told me her name is Zoey....When I asked her how old Zoey was, she said, " I don't know. Zoey is a baby and I give her toys when she cries because she is my best friend".  God love her!

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Mommy and Daddy have been really sticking to their guns about not letting Nevaeh have her paci and blankie 24/7  :-)  She only gets them when she is napping or bedtime.  Aunt Caitlin has been trying to help out (She is 35 weeks pregnant)....here's the conversation from today:

Caitlin: Nevaeh, you know baby Gracyn is going to be born soon and will need your paci.  I think you should give it to her since she will be a baby.

Nevaeh:  Aunt Caitie, you know you can go to the store and buy her one!

Nice try, Aunt Caitlin!  ;-)

Friday, August 17, 2012


Nevaeh was jumping on the bed: Daddy: Stop jumping on the bed, Nevaeh! You know you are not allowed to do that! Nevaeh: I'm not jumping on the bed, I am jumping on the pillow! :-/

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Poor Nevaeh ....she is and has been a constipated little thing. She is doing wonderfully on using the big girl potty. She doesn't even care if she sits on the regular toilet or the little potty....She is a champ at it.....even when it comes to trying to poop. Poor thing will cry through it trying her best to push it out.....even with the help from Miralax....she still has some trouble sometimes. Last night, she cried so hard with real tears that she actually asked Mommy for a "pository" (suppository) to help her poop. She cried to me, "My butt needs a pository!" Poor baby!!!! You would think that these troubles would give her a fear of using the potty, but not Nevaeh, she is a potty champ!!! UDATE: After the "pository" worked on her, she smiled and told me that she pooped in the big girl potty and it didn't hurt this time!

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Bath time is one of my favorites! Nevaeh has such an imagination.....the pink baby soap bottle became her baby! She played and played!

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Guess who asked to wear her big girl panties to bed? YEP!!! And she woke up DRY! YAYAYAYAY!!!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Nevaeh is signed up for her first dance class! It is a baby class for toddlers! 1/2 of the class time will be spent on tap and half of the time will be ballet! She was fitted for her first pair of tap shoes and ballet slippers today! First class starts in September! I can't wait to watch her. I thoroughly enjoyed watching her Mommy and Aunt Caitlin when they were young and now I get to enjoy it a second time around. LIFE IS GOOD!

Oh ....an update on being potty trained. We ventured out of the house for this dancing affair in big girl panties.....she asked to go to the potty and held it until I got her to a restroom and even had to mess with buttons and snaps to boot.....HAPPY TO REPORT....NO ACCIDENT....SHE HELD IT UNTIL SHE SAT ON THE POTTY!

Monday, August 6, 2012


Yes you read that right, several days and nights with no accidents, just one month shy of 2.5 years old!!!! Tonight was the tell tale sign that she is in full control of the bathroom issues....Mommy was busy and didn't hear her....Nevaeh called out to her several times saying she had to go poopy....when Mommy realized what she was saying, they both rushed to the bathroom! Nevaeh was cute....she "held it" until she was on the potty while saying out loud "I can't believe it, I can't believe it". Then she had to call me and share her potty story! LOL

Saturday, August 4, 2012

2.25 yrs. - "iPad"

Nevaeh calls her leap pad her iPad! We sit in bed together and surf our own iPads! Sometimes she leans over and tells me she loves me! I love our time together. Even when it is spent surfing the web together!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

2.25 YRS.- DRY DAY!

Nevaeh is catching on to this potty training thing.....over the last few days, she had some accidents....but today, she has been dry!!!!  She is even starting to tell us when she has to go to the potty!  WOOT!  Hope this continues!

Ultrasound Video- Watch Baby Nevaeh Grow!

Watch Courtney's Belly Grow!