Dear Nevaeh,
OH MY are 11 months old already and your 1st birthday party planning is in full swing! Where has our tiny newborn gone? You have grown and learned so much! Since you do not have a pediatrician appointment this month, I am guessing that you are around 18-19 lbs. You have lost all of your baby fat and seem to be getting a little bit taller....but if I had to guess, you may be in the lower quartile in weight and height. You are short, like your Mommy, but not really petite, just small. You wear 9 month clothes comfortably, while some 12 month clothes fit, too. It depends on the brand and style. You still wear size 4 shoes, and size 3 diapers. Your hair is absolutely beautiful! Your Mommy started putting it up in two piggy tails to keep it out of your face.
Your eating habits perplex me. You shake your head NO to baby food, you will eat table food, but still not enough to satisfy me! You will say "nak" (snack) or "bite" when you are hungry and you drink juice from your sippy cup quite well. Sometimes even one handed....then you fling or drop it to the floor! You get the biggest smile and deep belly laugh when you feed the dog your food....You think you are being sneaky about it but we see and hear you. Actually it is really hard not to laugh with you, because it is sooooo cute to watch. You still love your two cereal bottles a day (morning and bedtime)....It breaks my heart to think that it is recommended that we take away your bottle next month, because so far you will not drink milk from a sippy cup. You look at us like we are crazy.....In your mind, bottles=milk and sippy cups=juice. Not sure how to break that thought pattern. However, yesterday, Mommy shared that you drank chocolate milk from a regular cup through a straw. At least it is a start!
You are still a VERY GOOD SLEEPER! YAY! You also love your pacifier and blankie when you are tired, but not tied to pacifier all day long....which is a good thing! We are soooo happy that we switched over to breathable bumpers because you love to bury your face in them when you sleep! You have been standing up in your crib for a few months now when you want out. It won't be long and you will be asking to get out of the crib, vs. crying for us.
You have learned soooooo much this past month. Around 10.5 months, you started standing unaided for about 30 seconds. Now we notice that you will stand next to things without holding on. I'm sure it won't be long and you will be taking your first baby steps! You have even mastered climbing the stairs, but not quite sure how to go back down yet. You still play quite well by yourself and with others. You will put objects in and out of things and figure out where shapes go and what buttons do. You even have a play phone that you put up to your ear and chatter away! You will babble up a storm with expression and wait for us to answer you. Sounds something like: bitta, bitta, budda, da,da de.....over and over again....telling us a story. I hope to catch it on video! You can also follow our questions and do what we ask. For example, "Nevaeh, where's grandma's eyes?" You will point to my eyes. You can also point to my nose, mouth and your belly and feet, buttons on my shirt and yours, and point to the dog. Sometimes our response to you is "just one" and you will put up your index finger for the number 1 in response. You can also shake your head NO and nod YES when you are trying to tell us something. You repeat many words we ask you to say. I think the cutest one is "Tate" (Aunt Caite). You still don't like to give kisses (neither does your you get this honestly), but you will kiss your dolly!
Lately, we have noticed that you has developed quite the personality....both good and no so good..... Mostly sweet, however, there is that side to you that likes to test the situation to see how far you can go. You have even started throwing little temper tantrums. But these little outbursts are short lived. Once you realize that NO means NO, you will arch your back, throw yourself backwards and fall, hear a few more harsh NOs from us, cry deeply as if it were the end of the world for a few short seconds (with real tears) and then quit as if nothing even happened a few short seconds after that and return to your normal sweetness! Sound familiar, Mommy? LOL!!
I love you with all my heart!
Love, Grandma Dason