Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


You can view the slide shows of the ultrasounds and belly growth at the bottom of this blog.

Monday, August 30, 2010

5m21d- WAVING

Mommy and Daddy took Nevaeh to school with them today as they "checked out" last minute details for graduation..(YAY!) ....Our cute little one stole the show by waving hello and good bye to those who paid attention to her!  Such a ham and only 5 1/2 months old!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

5m20d-DAY TWO!

Playing in the bathroom while Grandma got ready this morning!

I couldn't resist taking a picture of these cute little feet and cankles! I think I kissed her toes 20 gazillion times!

I talked Mommy into trimming the few pieces of long strands on the sides and back of Nevaeh's hair.  This way it will grow evenly.  I didn't touch the hair on top, so it can still be pulled up into a bow.  So here's a picture of her newborn locks of hair.  I put them in a baggy to save!

Auntie Caite  helped with the hair cut!

Visiting with Great Grandpa Richards!

Napping with Great Grandma Richards!

Visiting with Great Grandma Baker!

Trying out a new car seat!  Lugging around an 18lb. baby in the other car seat was getting toooo hard.  Now she has a car seat to grow into for awhile.  Mommy picked out a neutral color ....just encase she has a baby boy some day.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

5m19d-HAPPY DAY!

The kids came to visit!  I am in HEAVEN!

Little Miss Nevaeh with Great Grandma Martin (Notice the bow in her hair!....This grandma couldn't resist....she has such long hair on top which is mostly brushed to the side like an "old man comb over" to keep it out of her eyes.......perfect for a bow!)


I am finally getting use out of our high chair.  I told Courtney that the next baby needs to be a girl because if she has a boy, he's gonna look pretty funny sitting in a flowery pink/brown high chair!  Here she is chowing down on carrots and fruit....YUM YUM!

After dinner, she played and played.  I couldn't resist having her voice recorded for sweet future memories!  (I actually had trouble uploading this one :-(  but couldn't figure out how to delete it without deleting the whole post!)

 Sweet Dreams in Mommy's old crib!  (Notice how long her hair is ....minus the bow)

Friday, August 27, 2010


Nevaeh's crib (room) is on the other side of the living room.  Mommy and Daddy's bedroom has the baby monitor in it.  This morning Mommy and Daddy woke up to baby Nevaeh yelling for Daddy....."Da Da Da...."  So now she sits up, rolls both ways, holds her own bottle, and waves hello....along with her first words...Da Da.....This melts my heart!



Thursday, August 26, 2010


Mommy and Daddy religiously show Nevaeh the Your Baby Can Read video twice per day.  Earlier I posted that she "sings" along with the songs.  The last time I was visiting with them (4 months old) I thought I saw her wave at the TV......but then I thought I was crazy.....after all she was only 4 months old.  The video shows kids waving and the word wave(ing) appears on the screen.  Today I was SKYPING after school and a few teachers walked in my office to see Nevaeh.....they said hi and Nevaeh's arm moved up and down.......they all thought that was sooooo cute.......so did I but once again thought it was a fluke........well.....Auntie Caite SKYPED Mommy and Nevaeh tonight.  Each time Auntie Caite said hi and waved, Nevaeh waved back with her arm motion (up and down)......We really think she is making these connections now!  HOW EXCITING!


Nevaeh is looking at the computer screen while we SKYPE!  I took a picture while we were "talking".  At one time she was saying or more like yelling aawwwweee aawwweeee....over and over.  I got the droid phone out and hit the speaker button thinking I was taping her voice.....instead, I hit the speaker button that searches voice activated Google......Google took me to the website yahooyahooyahooyahoo....too cute.  Daddy measured and weighed Nevaeh, but she hasn't grown or gained any in the last two weeks.  In fact, she is eating less these days.  Now that Mommy is introducing solids, Nevaeh has some definite opinions about vegetables.  She absolutely will not open her mouth for the green stuff.  She is even catching on that when she is fed solids, she may not get the cereal bottle (We don't want to over feed her).......lately she is starting to refuse all solids because she wants her cereal bottle.  She is even sleeping less these days with a short cat nap here and there.  Night times are still pretty good......but you can tell she is teething.  EVERYTHING goes into the mouth.  Her beloved binkie is turning into a chew toy rather than a pacifier.  She will take it out of her mouth, turn it around and chew on the plastic part.  Not sure when the first tooth will pop through......

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

5 1/2 MONTHS!

This is Nevaeh's first 2 piece sleeper set.  Doesn't she look like a babydoll you can buy in a store?

Saturday, August 21, 2010


My new favorite thing to do....SITTING....(Not an easy thing to do on someone's lap without assistance!)

Friday, August 20, 2010

5m11d-Mommy and Me

Mommy shared that Nevaeh was lying next to her on the couch (facing Mommy) last night.....Nevaeh had her blankie and grabbed the edge of it and started rubbing the blankie on Mommy's face, after awhile she let go of the blankie and started patting Mommy's face with her little hand......as if to say...."This is what I do when I am tired, you should try it!"  .......Tooooo cute!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Nevaeh is so funny when it is time to eat.  She will stick her tongue out to lick the food.  If she likes it, she will open wide and eat the whole container of food.  If she doesn't like it, she will just sit there with her mouth closed....no crying or fussing ....sometimes a funny face.......after a few attempts to shovel the food between the lips, Mommy will give up.  Yesterday and today she was closed lipped with green beans.  Mommy switched to prunes and she opened wide for every bite.....switched back to green beans and she refused again!  So far she hasn't liked any vegetables that are green.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

5m6d- GIGGLES!

Today was the first time we noticed Nevaeh giggling at something funny (like her daddy!).  She has giggled in her sleep, but never awake....strange huh?!  Don't get me wrong, she has good expressions and smiles alot, makes lots of noises at things but never really laughed at something until today......AND I WAS SKYPING WITH HER WHEN SHE DID THIS.  Gotta love technology!

Friday, August 13, 2010


LITTLE MISS CHATTERBOX!!.....Notice the end of the video.....sounds like she says "hi" and the person behind Mommy said "hi" back!  :-)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Dear Nevaeh,
You are 5 months old already!!!!  If the scales are correct at home, you are a whopping 18 lbs. (90th percentile and 24.5 inches long (50th percentile).   This past month, you learned to roll over, pick up and play with toys, eat your fingers  play with your toes, splash in the tub, chatter and sing along to songs on  the Your Baby Can Read Video.  You  are even making eye contact with me and smiling at the computer when we SKYPE.  Today you even started "talking" to me over the computer!  You are eating solids for dinner.  Mommy started you on fruits and then moved to vegetables.  So far so good.....except for peas....you refused to open your mouth, so Mommy gave up and moved onto sweet potatoes.  You still only want 3 cereal bottles a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner), quite a good sleeper through the night and a very content and happy baby during the day.  Mommy and Daddy are blessed!
Love, Grandma Dason

Monday, August 9, 2010


Our baby girl is 5 months old today!!!!  Mommy and Daddy will measure and weigh her for me to post later on.  For now, I enjoyed watching her play during tummy time!  She even watched and smiled at me on the computer for the first time! She is such a big girl now!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Nevaeh attended her first birthday party at the neighbors'.  She wasn't quite sure what to do with the crowd at the pool or water balloon!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


My morning chat with Daddy!

and.....rolling over to chat with Mommy!...."When are you guys getting up?"

Friday, August 6, 2010

4m28d- SUCH A CUTIE!

Here's Nevaeh showing off for grandma via SKYPE!  She is getting ready to go swimming. :-) Mommy shared that Nevaeh got her first booboo....Mommy thought she would play it safe and put her on the floor after bath time while gathering up her stuff (since she rolls easily now).....well she still rolled over and hit her head on the leg of the crib.  At first she didn't cry, but was startled.....then she let out the loudest scream!  It was rather comical the way it was a delayed cry....poor baby!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Nevaeh started out eating the peas.....as each day passed, she would lick the food on the spoon before deciding to open her mouth.  Finally, yesterday she refused to open her mouth after a taste test (lick)  :-(  Maybe she will like peas when we introduce them again in the different stages of baby food.  Now Mommy has moved onto sweet potatoes.  So far, so good.  :-)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


One of Nevaeh's favorite things to do now is clasping her hands and fingers together and then just stare at them!  We caught it on camera!

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Yesterday during picture time, Nevaeh started blowing raspberries for the first time! Now she does it all the time!  TOOOO CUTE!!!!


All smiles!

Getting ready for picture time....Auntie Caite trying to keep her awake and happy!
Busy day! Give me my binkie and blankie and I'll go to sleep! (She always pulls her blankie up over her face.  At first it bothered us, but now it seems to be her routine!)

Ultrasound Video- Watch Baby Nevaeh Grow!

Watch Courtney's Belly Grow!