Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


You can view the slide shows of the ultrasounds and belly growth at the bottom of this blog.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Nevaeh is 16 weeks old! (but won't be 4 months until July 9th)....time is flying by. Here's a video of her smiling and laughing for Daddy!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

15w4d -UPDATES

Mommy wanted me to share (and record) the latest updates......You are now 3 1/2 months and long gone are the days of you laying around with a head rest (pillow form) in your bouncy seat, swing, and car seat.  You have very good head control and prefer to sit up  It is very cute watching you try each time, plus you have outgrown the pillow form. Speaking of out growing ....you are officially in a size 2 diaper!  Mommy has been squeezing you in a size one for about one week just to use up all the size one diapers (no need to waste them.....especially since they are not cheap!) Earlier I wrote that you had sitting up mastered......Mommy says you are still a little wobbly and need help making it all the way from a laying postion to a sitting position.  At night you still prefer the wedge (must be the enclosed hugging feeling you get), but now you sleep on your back rather than your side and you move all over the crib,.... but still in your wedge.  I wrote earlier that you will sometimes be sleeping width ways in the crib versus long ways.......at least you are still a VERY good sleeper and a content baby when awake!  Mommy and Daddy are very blessed......so is this Grandma and Grandpa!  We love you Nevaeh!

Friday, June 25, 2010

15w3d- SITTING!

                                            Trying to sit up!

Finally sitting....with a little help from Mommy!

Look at those chubby cheeks!  She is certainly not starving!  Daddy weighed her at home.  At 3 1/2 months, she is 15 lbs. 8 oz. and 24 inches long!  Wow!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

15w1d- NEW TRICKS!

Nevaeh is continuing to amaze us everyday. She is still interested in watching the baby reading video a couple of times each day! (YAY).....Around 3 months she tried to sit up from a reclining position (strong abs!).....now she has it mastered and sits up in her boppy rather than laying on it! She also rolls on her side from her back but hasn't quite figured out how to get the rest of the way over! She is also "talking" more these days with lots of slobber! Mommy and Daddy take Jordyn and Alexis swimming every evening after work....Nevaeh loves the water too! She will sit on edge of the pool, then leans forward and smiles before she falls into Mommy's arms!!!!! One time her head went under water (by accident) and it didn't seem to phase her one bit! WE HAVE A WATER BABY!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Nevaeh had her first emergency room visit.  Coordination of arms, hands and fingers are still an issue for this sweet little one, which I know is completely normal.....but she whacked herself real good in the eye and broke a blood vessel.....OUCH!  Mommy and Daddy decided to get it checked out....just encase antibiotics would be needed during the healing process.  They were right by following their instincts......next step....putting drops in her tiny little eye.  POOR BABY!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Nevaeh is napping in Mommy's old crib!  When we stored this crib away 22 years ago, I dreamed of days like this.........and now the dreams have come true!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010





Sunday, June 13, 2010

13w5d- WHO ME?

Everyday, we are seeing more and more expressions.  She is even trying to "talk" to us! 

Saturday, June 12, 2010

13w4d- FINALLY!

Finally!  Uncle Joey got to hold you......It's been awhile!

And, Aunt Caitlin is getting her baby fill!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

13w2d- ROAD TRIP

The long road trip to Ohio was a bit too much for Nevaeh, this time.  For one thing, the snugly headrest was removed from the car seat because it makes Nevaeh sweat....plus she is outgrowing it....Secondly it was just a long car ride......Nevaeh decided to show her unhappiness over all of this change with her strong set of lungs!  After crying for what seemed like forever, Daddy pulled over the van....got out of the vehicle to check on her in the backseat.  As soon as he opened the door to check on her, she instantly stopped crying and smiled at him!!!!  Yep....she knows how to work it and get what she wants now!

The next day, Mommy decided to put the snugly headrest back in the car seat.....just look at the smile on Nevaeh's face!.........Wonder what she is thinking???

Give her the snugly headrest, binkie and blankie and she good to go!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010




 Grandma, Mommy and Nevaeh!

Dear Nevaeh,

You are 3 months today!  Since you didn't have a well baby visit with the pediatrician this month, we weighed you at home.  According to our scales, you weigh 13lbs. 8 oz. (71st percentile) and have grown another inch!  You are now 23" long (20th percentile).  Looking back at your Mommy's baby book, you have outgrown her.  She was 23" long  but only weighed 11lbs (and almost one month older- gestation than you are right now!)  You are even 5 oz. more than your Aunt Caitlin was at this age.  There is hope that you will out grow your Mommy some day, since she is sooooo darn short!  You are also wearing some 0-3 month clothes, but starting to wear 3 month sizes more comfortably. You still have tiny hands and feet.  You wear size 0-1 shoes....many size 1s are wayyyy tooooo big.

So far, you are extremely healthy (knock on wood).....only a few sniffles one day and then you were fine! You are drinking 6 oz. bottles, started rice cereal (by spoon), cooing, smiling, "standing", laughed out loud a few times, following us with your eyes and are extremely content!  You love to watch the baby reading video (several times in a row) and hate tummy time.  Not sure if you will ever learn to roll over because we can't get you to enjoy your time on the floor while on your tummy!  You have started laying on your back on the play mat and grasping at your toys. You are even starting to hold your bottle on a more consistent basis.  You love, love, love your binkie and blankie!.......and you sleep consistently through the night (8-9 hours).  Mommy found a wedge to position you in the crib at night (one without an incline)....You seem to do real well sleeping on your side....but boy do you love to move around.....the other morning I found you turned sleeping width ways in your crib verses long ways.....too cute!

You are such a happy, easy baby that Mommy and Daddy are ready to try for a brother or a sister!  Who knows, maybe this time next year, I will be blogging for two grandbabies!

I love you very much!
Grandma Dason

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I love my jumperoo!  Today I got the hiccups while playing in the jumperoo....I'd hiccup, and the seat would move.....then I would giggle out loud! (FIRST TIME, BY THE WAY).....Then I would hiccup, the seat would move and I would giggle again!......(This happened over and over.....way to cute!)

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Grandma and Grandpa bought me some size 1 shoes but they are all tooooo big!  So Grandma took me shopping during her visit with me!  Do you like my new sandals???  They are also a size 1 but this style runs small.....more like a size 0 in the other brands.....I have tiny feet like my Mommy!

Now you see me awake!
Now you don't! (This was less than 5 minutes after the above picture was taken!)  I can self soothe myself to sleep....especially when I have my binkie and blankie!  Speaking of sleep.....last night, I slept for 9 1/2 hours, up for a bottle and went back to sleep for 2 more hours!

Friday, June 4, 2010


We went shopping and found this cute soft blankie with satin on the underside and trim.  Mommy asked Nevaeh if she liked it and Nevaeh just cooed! Mommy went to put it back on the shelf....second guessing the price and Nevaeh made a loud noise as if to say: Wait, that's my blankie!  So Grandma broke down and bought it for her!  She loves to hold it up to her face!  Just like her Aunt Caitlin.....and as you can see, she loves her binkie, just like her Mommy did!  When we got home, I leaned over Nevaeh and asked her if she liked her blankie and she nodded 3 times!  I swear!  The neighbor even saw her nod.  I know it was probably a fluke... but you know me, I had to record it!  (Notice the pink bow in her hair!!!....gotta admit it is darn cute.....I think Mommy is warming up to the idea of bows.....fingers crossed!)

Catching her smiles on camera is a bit of a trick! 

Tummy Time!  She looks just like her Mommy in this picture!

Multitasking while shopping!  She looks and acts older than just turning 3 months....Doesn't she!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

12w2d- CEREAL!

Dear Nevaeh,
You are growing up way tooooo fast for this Grandma!  Here you are trying rice cereal mixed with your formula.  You did a pretty good job eating from a spoon. At first you kept the cereal in your mouth and looked at us not knowing what to do, but after you got the hang of it, you even starting opening your mouth.  Grandma mixed one ounce of your formula and rice cereal today for lunch and you ate the whole thing and then took a bottle.  Right now you are napping soundly.  I sure am loving this time with you! 
Love, Grandma Dason

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


That's right Mommy....she has bows in her hair today!  I love dressing her up!  Last night, I had a restful sleep until about 5:30 this morning.  Nevaeh decided it was time for a diaper blow out and a bottle.....but wait....who was this new face looking back at her????  That's right....It's Grandma Dason!  She studied my face while she held her own bottle.  Oh so sweet....I will never forget this precious time we are having together..........As she studied my face, she decided it was time to get up for the day.......by 7:30 she was down for a short nap again.  When she woke up, Grandma had fun giving her a bath and covering her from head to toe with baby lotion.  Ahhhh the smell.....such sweetness!  After the bath, Grandma dressed her up in a few different outfits and had fun with the camera.....Just had to put bows in this little girl's hair!!!!  You have to admit, that bows make the outfit complete......now someone needs to convince Mommy! 

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Nevaeh is 12 weeks old today.....but according to the calendar, she is not 3 months old for another week......Here she is holding her bottle again!  She is not consistent on this skill yet.....but it is ohhh sooo cute when she does! She loves to "stand", getting more coordinated with arms and legs, starting to grasp at toys when on her play mat, doesn't care much for tummy time (gets frustrated) and LOVES the baby reading program.....She often sits through the video twice before losing interest.  This gives Mommy and Daddy time to do things around the house, while she is learning something educational.  It is a win/win for everyone!  Nevaeh is still sleeping between 6-8 hours through the night! (WOOT!) She doesn't have a doctor's appointment this month, so we will have to guess  her weight and measure her on our own.  I am taking a soft tape measure with me when I visit!  I will be on the road today after work.  Not sure if she will be awake by the time I get there tonight, but will definitely get up with her in the morning and let Mommy and Daddy catch a few extra hours of much needed sleep!  I CAN'T WAIT TO HOLD HER, SMELL HER AND HEAR THOSE SWEET BABY SOUNDS!

Ultrasound Video- Watch Baby Nevaeh Grow!

Watch Courtney's Belly Grow!