2 years ago
You can view the slide shows of the ultrasounds and belly growth at the bottom of this blog.
Friday, April 30, 2010
7w3d- CAR RIDE
I already miss the kids! After visiting with Mike's side of the family, the kids will be going back home. I had the same feeling when I left for work as I did when I left their home after the baby was born. All I could think was I'll never again get to hold her as a newborn (or as a 7 week old baby)......I suppose I will always think that to myself each time our visit comes to a close. I know first hand just how fast they grow up. One minute your are getting up every 3 hours and changing diapers then the next thing you know they are off to college!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
7w2d- VISIT!
I just spent a wonderful night taking care of "night duty" for Mommy and Daddy so they could rest after the long 7 hour drive! As I held her, changed her, fed her and comforted her into a milk coma the memories of long ago with Mommy and Aunt Caitlin flooded back. The smell of her baby lotioned hair, the smooth baby soft skin, the cute little toes and ohhhhh those wonderful coos made me smile! Nevaeh slept in the crib we set up (Courtney's when she was a baby). Which made me smile even more. After a bottle, I put her pacifier in and positioned her in the wedge in the crib....covered her up and walked away to the bed in the room. As I laid there, I listened to her coo, move, grunt and wiggle....a few times I had to give her the pacifier she spit out....but it wasn't long and she was off to baby dreamland! She was able to self-soothe herself into a deep sleep! WOW .....how lucky Mommy and Daddy are! This morning Nevaeh heard Grandpa and me up getting ready for work, so she decided it was time for her to get up too! At 6:00 in the morning, I gave her another bottle, changed the poopiest diaper I ever saw and then propped Nevaeh up on blankets and pillows on the bathroom floor as I finished getting ready. For the most part, she was awake.....just looking around......after about an hour, she dozed off--figured the morning routine was a bit boring for her! LOL (see above picture)
Aunt Caitlin took over after I went to work. Look what she put in Nevaeh's hair!?.....That's right, another bow! But I noticed the bow was missing by the time the kids visited me at work during lunchtime!
After showing off my family to all of the teachers, Jordyn decided that maybe the baby wasn't so bad after all. This is the first time he decided to hold her and show affection!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
This little 7 week old cutie just drank her first 5.5 oz. bottle! .......and........she slept 6 hours in her own crib (Mommy is not making much progress though! hehe). Courtney shared a cute story of how she was burping Nevaeh over her shoulder.....while she was patting Nevaeh's back, Nevaeh decided to pat Mommy's back! How cute is that?!
Here's a picture of us SKYPING! I am watching Nevaeh on my computer screen and they can see me. Do you see me in the corner of the screen (picture)? This is how I get to see and "be" with them every night before I go to bed. I have such sweet dreams after visiting with them. Gotta Love Technology! I wonder what type of technology will be available when Nevaeh grows up?
By the way, don't let the picture fool you....she is sonked out after a cryfest that lasted from 5:00-9:00. Nothing seemed to make her happy! :-( Where did that quiet little one go? I read the girls' baby books last night and then the memories flooded back. Both girls had fussy periods in the evenings for several weeks (about this same time frame).......but it was sooooo short lived that I forgot about it. So Mommy....don't worry, it is a normal phase babies go through!
By the way, don't let the picture fool you....she is sonked out after a cryfest that lasted from 5:00-9:00. Nothing seemed to make her happy! :-( Where did that quiet little one go? I read the girls' baby books last night and then the memories flooded back. Both girls had fussy periods in the evenings for several weeks (about this same time frame).......but it was sooooo short lived that I forgot about it. So Mommy....don't worry, it is a normal phase babies go through!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Mommy and Daddy have transitioned Nevaeh to the crib at night. The first night did not go so well. In fact she was up every 3-4 hours (Boo!) Last night, she did better and slept 5 hours before wanting a bottle. It will take time, but I'm sure it won't be long and Mommy and Daddy will be bragging about her sleeping 8 hours in the crib. Here's the funny part......just when I think Mommy is making progress moving the baby to her own room and crib.....I find out that Mommy and Daddy took up residence in the other bed in Nevaeh's room! LOL I think the one having separation anxiety is Mommy.....not Baby!
The picture above is a proud bragging moment. Nevaeh will be 7 weeks old tomorrow and already holding her bottle! This grandma thinks she shows signs of a genius! (smiling, here!)
The picture above is a proud bragging moment. Nevaeh will be 7 weeks old tomorrow and already holding her bottle! This grandma thinks she shows signs of a genius! (smiling, here!)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Nevaeh just experienced her first severe weather day. Tornadoes surrounded their area. The kids decided the closet was the best place for all of them to huddle! Needless to say, it was a bit stressful! One good thing that came out of the closet expedition was finding Jordyn's walker! Here's Nevaeh trying it out!
Do you see this little one? She just went 8 hours without a bottle through the ENTIRE night!!!! This is her second time doing this (not in a row.....but) NOT COMPLAINING!
The sleeper she has on is a 0-3 month.....the bow in hair matches the frogs on her sleeper. Now if I can just get Mommy to put a bow in your hair during the day! Courtney swore up and down that she would not subject her baby to bows like she had to wear. I must admit that Courtney had a bow in her hair everyday of her life until she was about 2nd or 3rd grade. Maybe it was overkill, but just soooooo darn cute at the time. Hopefully the bows will start to appear a little more as time goes on........I know, wishful thinking on my part, but you have to admit she looks soooooo darn cute in this picture. In fact, I think it is one of my favorite pictures of her.......Eyes wide open, and a bow.....what more could a grandma ask for! LOL
The sleeper she has on is a 0-3 month.....the bow in hair matches the frogs on her sleeper. Now if I can just get Mommy to put a bow in your hair during the day! Courtney swore up and down that she would not subject her baby to bows like she had to wear. I must admit that Courtney had a bow in her hair everyday of her life until she was about 2nd or 3rd grade. Maybe it was overkill, but just soooooo darn cute at the time. Hopefully the bows will start to appear a little more as time goes on........I know, wishful thinking on my part, but you have to admit she looks soooooo darn cute in this picture. In fact, I think it is one of my favorite pictures of her.......Eyes wide open, and a bow.....what more could a grandma ask for! LOL
Friday, April 23, 2010
6w3d- OUTFIT!
Mommy and Grandma think alike! I bought this exact same outfit yesterday for Nevaeh......Oh well.....another excuse to go shopping! (Can't beat the Walmart prices....$3.00 for the onsie and $3.00 for the shorts = $6.00 or an outfit she will wear for about 1 month before she grows out of it!)
Last night Daddy had to work a 24 hour shift, so he didn't get to help with the night feedings this time. Mommy said that Nevaeh must be used to seeing Daddy in the middle of the night because this time when it was Mommy who got up to get her, Nevaeh wrinkled her forehead and just stared at her.....as if to say...."Hey....where's my Daddy!".........Too cute!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Grandma and Grandpa Dason (both 46 years old) just celebrated your Great Grandma Martin's 65th birthday!
Here you are at 6 weeks 1 day old at home with Mommy. Next week, you will be coming home to visit with us! I can't wait!!
Here you are at 6 weeks 1 day old at home with Mommy. Next week, you will be coming home to visit with us! I can't wait!!
The MobiCam AV Baby Nursery Monitor is a compact, portable and multi-functional wireless monitoring system for your family. Designed specifically for easy mobility of both the camera and monitor, the MobiCam AV Baby Nursery Monitor can be moved to virtually any location within the home, office, or other environment.
- Automatic see-in-the-dark night vision
- Audio/Video connector cord which links your monitor to TVs, DVRs, or camcorders so you can view beyond the handheld monitor or record what you see on the monitor
- Monitor picture and sound remotely on your computer or internet device from anywhere in the world (via the optional internet kit)
- MobiCam AV Baby Nursery Monitor is 900 MHz
- Watch two cameras simultaneously using the auto scan feature which switches between the two cameras automatically (second camera sold separately)
- Powerful wireless signal transmits up to 150 feet indoors/300 feet outdoors
- Extra-wide camera viewing area
- Sound activated video and audio with auto-mute
- Operates on AC power or "AA" batteries (not included)
- 2" ultra-high resolution TFT color screen
- MobiCam AV Baby Nursery Monitor comes with belt clip, table stand and hanging loop
- Optional Internet Kit features USB Adaptor and Software for PC Monitoring, Recording, Notification, and Camera Webpage setup
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Nevaeh is 6 weeks old today! Lately our little quiet one has found her cry! She has periods of fussiness and fights her sleep after a bottle now. Today, she cried for what seemed like hours. Mommy made sure she was fed, burped and diapered....nothing seemed to work!.........That is, until Daddy came home! Grandma Baker works for a pediatrician. She said it is very normal for babies around 6-10 weeks to cry for hours on end for no reason......this too shall pass!
Do my eyes look puffy from the cry fest!?
Mommy and Baby
Come to PaPa!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Here's our little cutie pie holding her pacifier!
Mommy loved her pacifiers when she was a baby. In fact she called it her waybie....not sure how or why she named it that, but she did. Not only did she have one in each hand, she had one clipped onto her shirt daily. Heaven forbid she would lose one! She was so addicted to them that she sucked on them until she was 3 years old. Yes, you heard me right....3! One day Grandpa Richards took a walk with Courtney over by the pond, which had alot of ducks and fish in it. Luckily on this day, Courtney only had one paci with her (I know, hard to believe!).....During the walk, she dropped it and didn't notice it was gone until she came home. Grandpa told her the fishies and ducks ate it and it was all gone. Surprisingly Courtney was OK with this "story", so I quickly hid all of the other waybies that she had strewn around the house and in her bed.....praying that I found them all. She never asked for a waybie again after that day!
I remember when this cradle looked tooooo big for her. Now look at her!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Mommy is transitioning me to the crib. Right now I sleep in the cradle in Mommy and Daddy's room.....but soon I will be able to roll over....so it is finally time to slowly move to the BIG BED! For Mommy's comfort level, she is starting out with nap time. This will be the first time I am sleeping in a different room away from people. At least they can hear me through the baby monitor......Don't worry Mommy, I am a big girl and need my space! (LOL)
The mattress has a wedge on it (under the sheets) to keep my head propped up. Since I am outgrowing the propped wedge that fits in my cradle, Mommy is getting creative with blankets behind me....Just encase I spit up! This will work for awhile.....until I start rolling and moving!
The mattress has a wedge on it (under the sheets) to keep my head propped up. Since I am outgrowing the propped wedge that fits in my cradle, Mommy is getting creative with blankets behind me....Just encase I spit up! This will work for awhile.....until I start rolling and moving!
Here I am.....just hanging out in Mommy and Daddy's room while they are getting ready!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
1m1w1d- A NEW TOY!
Mommy and Daddy got me a new toy, but I am not quite sure what to do!
Today was the first day that Mommy used the aspirator (AKA Snot sucker) on me. I hated it! Mommy said I got VERY mad. She described it with a few other words, but since I am not allowed to cuss....let's just say I was MAD!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Nevaeh went 8.5 hours last night without a bottle! Can you believe it?! She loves her sleep!
This is the first time she napped in the the pack-n-play without the wedge. She is actually getting too big for the wedge so Mommy will have to be more creative on ways to prop her. Maybe taking the wedge off the slanted bottom (Velcros on and off) and just using the wedge behind Nevaeh's back?
The weather was beautiful outside, so Mommy put Nevaeh in her stroller.....Here she is sleeping (again!) while Mommy and Daddy put up the above ground pool. She is going to be a water baby this summer! Don't worry they are thinking ahead and will fence off the pool and double lock the screen doors out of reach of kids!
This is the first time she napped in the the pack-n-play without the wedge. She is actually getting too big for the wedge so Mommy will have to be more creative on ways to prop her. Maybe taking the wedge off the slanted bottom (Velcros on and off) and just using the wedge behind Nevaeh's back?
The weather was beautiful outside, so Mommy put Nevaeh in her stroller.....Here she is sleeping (again!) while Mommy and Daddy put up the above ground pool. She is going to be a water baby this summer! Don't worry they are thinking ahead and will fence off the pool and double lock the screen doors out of reach of kids!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Nevaeh is officially out of newborn diapers! They leave red marks on her legs. So now she is in a size 1!! Such a big girl......Look at that cute smile on her face!
Last night, her pacifier fell out of her mouth. She opened her eyes and push the paci up to her mouth with the back of her hand.....Such a smartie!
Nevaeh will be rolling over soon. She was laying on her back and twisted her body in such a way that her hips, butt and legs were in the rolling position, but she couldn't figure out how to get her shoulders over as well! Making progress!
Daddy got Nevaeh's name tattooed on his chest!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Here's our little honey at 5 weeks old! Courtney feels that even though Nevaeh gets up for an early morning bottle around 4 or 4:30, she is pretty much sleeping through the night. 10:00-4:30 is 6 1/2 hours straight! WOW! Courtney is also proud to say that she is in her pre-pregnancy jeans again. She has an OB appointment on the 19th, so a weight loss update will be posted later! The video posted below is just darn cute.....Nevaeh has the hiccups!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Mommy has a cold and now Nevaeh is sneezing :-( Courtney made a pediatrician appointment to have her checked out. She is really worried that Nevaeh will get RSV because she has been around other babies who have been sick (at the babysitter's). Luckily, all seems to be well at this point and no meds are necessary. If Nevaeh starts to cough and sound congested, then she needs to go back to the doctor. Courtney is such a worrier and didn't want to take any chances! She is such a good Mommy!
Here's a picture of Nevaeh sleeping on the doctor's office chair....waiting for her turn.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Nevaeh was up alot during the day, yesterday. Daddy says 3/4 of the day and Mommy thinks it was more like 1/2 of the day......none the less, she is awake more during the day, now! This is definitely helping with the sleep patterns at night. Last night, she had her last bottle (about 4 1/2 oz.) at 10:30pm and slept until 4:30am! That's a 6 hour stretch!!! She had a diaper change, bottle and attempt at burping (which is still rare that she burps!) then back to sleep until around 8:30 this morning! She is doing great in the sleeping department!!!!!! And she is still quite content when she is awake! As I've said before.....Count your blessings Mommy and Daddy.....She is an EASY baby, so far!
One more thing to add.....Nevaeh loves bath time! Especially when Mommy gets in the big tub and puts Nevaeh on Mommy's propped up thighs. The two have skin to skin time in the water.......Such precious times to cherish while they can........She will simply grow up wayyyyyy toooooo fast!!! Here's a picture of bath time.....Isn't she precious???!!!
One more thing to add.....Nevaeh loves bath time! Especially when Mommy gets in the big tub and puts Nevaeh on Mommy's propped up thighs. The two have skin to skin time in the water.......Such precious times to cherish while they can........She will simply grow up wayyyyyy toooooo fast!!! Here's a picture of bath time.....Isn't she precious???!!!
Look at all that hair!
This is the first newborn sleeper Nevaeh outgrew!
Look how alert she is now! Even though she outgrew one of her newborn sleepers, this outfit is still a newborn size. The clothes all vary....some newborns look like the same size as a 0-3 month in another clothing brand! Makes it a bit difficult to shop when I am 7 hours away and can't physically hold it up next to her for sizing!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Daddy dressed me today in jean overall shorts and a green onesie....Don't I look cute? And by the way, I am starting to coo when Mommy and Daddy talk to me!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Courtney had Nevaeh's one month pictures taken. These are pictures of pictures sent to me via e-mail!
According to the calendar, you are exactly one month old! (Even though you are really 4 weeks, 3 days old) Mommy said that you now have a favorite pacifier and was very upset when Mommy put this one (in the picture) in the dishwasher to sterilize it. She tried giving you different ones, but you would have nothing to do with it! In fact you were rather ticked off! LOL. It is cute seeing you developing a little personality!
When Mommy reached down to kiss you today, you grabbed a hold of her hair and wouldn't let go. Soon you will be grabbing for your toys! You also put your hands up on your bottle to help Mommy hold it! Tooooo cute!
When Mommy reached down to kiss you today, you grabbed a hold of her hair and wouldn't let go. Soon you will be grabbing for your toys! You also put your hands up on your bottle to help Mommy hold it! Tooooo cute!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Nevaeh slept for 6.5 hours the other night, but Mommy was concerned that she went soooo long without a bottle so she woke her up and fed her. She may have slept longer!
Courtney says Nevaeh now holds her head up and away from Mommy's shoulder when she is hungry....she will look at Mommy.....her bottom lip will quiver and then her lips will purse together before a big cry comes out......while her eyes are locked on Mommy in between whales.....as if to say,"Hey, I want that bottle NOW!"......toooo cute!
Mommy and baby also play a game where Mommy does a wet raspberry with her mouth to Nevaeh's cheeks and Nevaeh will put her mouth on Mommy's cheek when she is up on Mommy's shoulder! She is already trying to imitate her!
Last night, we SKYPED each other. Nevaeh was in a milk coma! LOL Eyes half open here and there and limp as a noodle! She is such an easy baby! Mommy and Daddy are definitely spoiled with this one. In fact, Mommy already wants another baby! (Funny how a baby will make you forget the pain of labor and an emergency c-section!)
Courtney says Nevaeh now holds her head up and away from Mommy's shoulder when she is hungry....she will look at Mommy.....her bottom lip will quiver and then her lips will purse together before a big cry comes out......while her eyes are locked on Mommy in between whales.....as if to say,"Hey, I want that bottle NOW!"......toooo cute!
Mommy and baby also play a game where Mommy does a wet raspberry with her mouth to Nevaeh's cheeks and Nevaeh will put her mouth on Mommy's cheek when she is up on Mommy's shoulder! She is already trying to imitate her!
Last night, we SKYPED each other. Nevaeh was in a milk coma! LOL Eyes half open here and there and limp as a noodle! She is such an easy baby! Mommy and Daddy are definitely spoiled with this one. In fact, Mommy already wants another baby! (Funny how a baby will make you forget the pain of labor and an emergency c-section!)
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Last night Nevaeh went to sleep with a 4oz formula bottle and slept until 1:00am! That's 5 hours! Then she was up every 3 hours after that. Notice it was NOT due to a cereal bottle. Since her sleep patterns of extended hours are hit and miss with the cereal bottle, Mommy decided not to give them to her anymore. Why load her bottles with extra calories if it really doesn't seem to correlate to more sleep???? Here's a picture of sleeping beauty in the pack-n-play for naptime!
Mommy says Nevaeh knows her voice and will turn to look at her and follow Mommy with her eyes! She also outgrew her first newborn sleeper! She has been awake for 2 hours tonight....which we hope equals longer hours of sleep tonight. Mommy and Daddy think she is starting to figure out the difference between day and night! Here's a picture of her on the boppy! She is such a dolly!
Mommy says Nevaeh knows her voice and will turn to look at her and follow Mommy with her eyes! She also outgrew her first newborn sleeper! She has been awake for 2 hours tonight....which we hope equals longer hours of sleep tonight. Mommy and Daddy think she is starting to figure out the difference between day and night! Here's a picture of her on the boppy! She is such a dolly!
Monday, April 5, 2010
The pediatrician feels Nevaeh is healthy and growing well. He did detect a slight heart murmur but doesn't seemed concerned....especially since she was 3 weeks early. It should correct itself over time. She weighed in at 8lbs. 11oz. and is 19 1/2 inches long. Her head circumference is 36cm or 14.7 inches which is in the 25%. Her weight is in the 25%. Her length is only in the 10%. He said she is on the short side, but then he looked at Courtney and realized why she is measuring short! In looking back at the baby books and keeping in mind that Nevaeh was actually 3 weeks early, she seems to be measuring longer than Mommy did at this age. Nevaeh is more inline with her Aunt Caitlin who is 5'1" while Mommy is only 4'10". If she continues to measure on the short side....at least there is growth hormone therapy that she can have in the future that was never suggested for either of my girls......probably because the research was too new at the time. Time will tell. We love her just the same....short or tall!
Sleepy babes!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
3w5d- Enjoying the bouncy seat!
On the Mommy front, Courtney called me with excitement in her voice.....today she was finally able to see her incision (bikini cut c-section)....before, the belly was always in the way!
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