Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


You can view the slide shows of the ultrasounds and belly growth at the bottom of this blog.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


My grandbaby is 3 weeks old already!  She continues to be a very happy and content baby!  Mommy and Daddy are definitely lucky! She continues to be on a 3-4 hour sleep/wake schedule for a bottle and diaper change......that is until she gets the cereal bottle (see earlier post).  With a night cereal bottle, she will sleep for 5 1/2 - 6 hours at a time (Woot)!!

Last night, the kids stayed here with us.  I enjoyed giving Nevaeh a bath, bottles and diaper changes.  I even took over night duty to give Mommy and Daddy a full night's rest, since they had a long drive back home today.  I MISS THEM ALREADY!

Keeping her eyes open is hard work!

Quick, her eyes are open.....take a picture!

4 Generations! 
Mommy, Great Grandpa Richards (my daddy) and Grandma Dason (me!).....and of course baby, Nevaeh!

Hard to believe that you are already 3 weeks old!  Tomorrow is your original due date......You would have been an 8 or 9 lb. baby full term!  I couldn't imagine Mommy's belly any bigger than what it was when she delivered you.  Mommy has lost all (but one pound) of her pregnancy weight plus the pre-pregnancy progesterone weight gain.   A total of 24 lbs. gone in the last 3 weeks.  However, the belly may never be the same......time will tell......C-Sections wreck the stomach muscles!!!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Today we celebrated the church dedication for baby Nevaeh!  What a wonderful Palm Sunday.  Here are some pictures of the family:

The guest of honor!

Proud Mommy and Daddy

The cake was from Great Grandma and Grandpa Richards (They couldn't be with us)

Mommy, Daddy, Grandma and Grandpa Dason, Great Grandma Martin, and Aunt Caitlin

Mommy, Aunt Caitlin, Uncle Andrew, Grandpa and Grandma Baker
Grandma and Grandpa Barnett and Jordyn

4 Generations
Grandma Dason, Mommy, Great Grandma Martin, and Baby Nevaeh!

Saturday, March 27, 2010


The kids came home around 1:00 in the morning.  The late night hour (or should I say early morning hour) didn't stop the company from coming over to see the baby for the first time!  It was also exciting to see Nevaeh sleeping in the crib we have set up in Courtney's old bedroom.  It was the crib that Courtney used when she was a baby!

Great Grandpa and Grandma Richards!

Uncle Joey and Nevaeh....Wonder what she is thinking.

Nevaeh is still a very content baby with sleep and eating patterns about 3-4 hours.  She is taking 3 to 4 oz. of formula at a time but can't stay awake long enough to take anymore than that.....Going against present research and trying "tricks" grandma taught me (and used successfully with both of my girls when they were a few weeks old), I suggested a rice cereal bottle for the night feeding.  The first bottle was made with 3 oz of formula and 2 tablespoons of rice cereal flakes.  This made a very runny, thin cereal.  The bottle nipple was widen to allow the flow of the thinned cereal to be sucked easily.  The first bottle was not a success.  We kept experimenting with the nipple hole.....as not to get it tooooo big.  45 minutes and 1oz. later, she was sound asleep.....but with that one ounce, she slept 3 hours!  At 5:00 in the morning, we tried again.  This time, the nipple hole became a slit.  I put 3oz. of formula in her bottle mixed with 2 tablespoons of rice flakes.  BINGO!  She sucked it down in 15 minutes, burping, diaper change and back to bed.........To my surprise, she was up again 3 hours later and hungry!  At 8:00 in the morning, decided to give it one more try.  Since she sucked down the last bottle, I upped it to 4oz. with 2 1/2 tablespoons of rice flakes.  She drank almost 4oz with no problem, burped, diaper change, dressed for the day and off to sleep.  This time, she went from 8:00 until 2:00.  That's right, 6 hours!!!!  The rest of the day, she had 4oz bottles of formula every 3 hours.   Courtney is going to try the rice bottle again tonight!  Hopefully, Nevaeh will sleep 6 hours again! 

Friday, March 26, 2010


Mommy and Daddy are coming back to Ohio this weekend for a baby dedication at Mike's family church this weekend!  Here's a picture of Nevaeh watching Mommy pack for the trip.

She was content in her bouncy seat and looking at Mommy, as if to say "Hmmmm, What are you doing?"

Road trip!  "Hey Poco, Where's your seatbelt!"

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Today was a happy and sad moment at the same time. Nevaeh's umbilical cord fell off today. I guess we can no long call her a newborn......She is simply our beautiful baby girl!

The OB left the umbilical cord long.....not sure why.  Looked a little different, but fell off as normal.

Such a hard life!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Faces of a burpless baby!
You want me to do what?  

Burping is tiring work!

Nap time again!  Boy I love my fingers!

Nevaeh is now drinking 3oz at a time and slept a 3 hours stint and a 5 hour stint in a row!   Hope she can do this again tonight.....but she will only do this in her pack-n-play bassinet....not her crib! 

Monday, March 22, 2010


When Auntie Caitie dresses me, I get to wear pretty bows!!!!

Dressed up to go see Mommy's OB!  Look at those chubby cheeks!

 Dr. Gapp at Jenny Stuart Medical Center in Hopkinsville, KY is the OB that discovered Mommy's MTHFR blood disorder.  Without him and the drug protocol before and during pregnancy, we wouldn't have our beautiful granddaughter!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Last night, Mommy and Aunt Caitlin put you in your crib for the first time....hoping you would sleep comfortably there.  Until now, you have been very content in the pack-n-play bassinet. You were even swaddled and propped with a wedge on your side.....no luck.....you fussed until they put you back into the bassinet.  Once you were comfortable, you slept for 4 straight hours!  Now if only they can get you to do this in your crib!

Today was a long day.....7 hours on the road.....and finally back home.  One my way home, the kids sent me my daily baby fix with this picture!  YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Dear Nevaeh,

Today was a bitter sweet day.  Sweet because I just spent 11 beautiful days with my first grandbaby.  It was a pure pleasure for me to help Mommy and Daddy through the late night feedings so Mommy could get up and go to school only days after a c-section!  The day was also bitter because I know I have to go home and get back to my work routine keeping these newborn days as sweet memories.  I found myself privately crying on and off these last few days knowing that my visit was slowly coming to an end.

Your Aunt Caitlin is on Spring Break and visiting with you for a whole week.  She promises to send me plenty of pictures for my daily baby fix!  Here you are at 11 days old!

It seems like yesterday that I was holding your Mommy!  Time flies.....Mommy's 22nd birthday is on Monday!  You are her birthday gift and she is a WONDERFUL mother!

Love Grandma Dason

Friday, March 19, 2010


The hospital does not ink the feet anymore.  :-(  Instead, they send the ink pad home with Mommy and Daddy.  Today, we took the time to ink these cute little feet!

Her feet are as long as my index finger.  They are long and skinny.  Just like Daddy's!  They look just like they did in the ultrasound!  The 3D ultrasounds are amazing!!!

After the inking, Mommy gave Nevaeh a bath.  She cooed and looked around the whole time with no tears.  She is such a GOOD baby!  Look at all that hair!

On the Mommy front, Courtney lost 15 lbs. already! This puts her 2 lbs above her pre-pregnancy weight.  Then about another 10 lbs. to lose from the progesterone protocol before getting pregnant.  So another 12 lbs. will take her down to her normal weight!  NOT BAD and doable!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Nevaeh switches between her thumb and the pacifier!  She sucked her thumb during the ultrasounds, also!

Grandma Baker getting her baby fill!

Grandpa Baker enjoying the moment!

Uncle Andrew is 11 years old.

 Aunt Caitlin loving on her niece!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


This little cutie pie has a hard time burping (sometimes!)  Last night, it caught up with her. The gas and air bubbles got the better of her.  She let out a loud squeal and then whimpered for some time.  At least she didn't scream non-stop.....but we could tell she was uncomfortable.  Once the infant Gas X did its job, she was a happy baby again.  Whew! 

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Nevaeh is one week old already and Courtney is back to school believe it or not!  Here is a picture of Nevaeh sleeping on Mommy while she is studying!

You can see that Mommy has a heating pad on her belly.  The air bubble build up from the c-section is killing her and her legs and feet are swelling......but she makes it to school each day thanks to heavy duty pain killers.  She is determined to finish this class.  If she drops this class, then she has to wait out a whole 6 months until this class rolls around again.  She needs this class in order to move onto the field work next month! Good thing Nevaeh is such a content baby, so Mommy can study!

Monday, March 15, 2010


Nevaeh had her first visit to the Pediatrician.  We were a bit worried because she only has one or two dirty diapers per day and her skin color looks a bit jaundice.  He reassured us that Nevaeh is a healthy baby with no jaundice and one or two dirty diapers for a formula fed baby is normal!  Nevaeh has dropped another ounce....down to 7lbs. 2oz. but he said it is normal during the first week after birth.  From this point on, she should start gaining weight.   Here's the little papoose all swaddled up for the evening.  She is such a good baby!!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


The first night home went pretty smooth!  Nevaeh is a VERY content baby.  Mommy and Daddy are very lucky.  Last night, she woke up twice.  She slept a 3 hour stint and a 4.5 hour stint last night.  During the day, we had to wake her in order to feed her every 4 hours.  If we didn't wake her, I am not sure how long it would take for her to wake up hungry!!!  We ventured out for her newborn pictures here are a few (I took a picture of a picture!)  Once the CD comes in, I will post the rest. 

Saturday, March 13, 2010

4 Days Old- Home At Last!

Mommy and Nevaeh were discharged from the hospital this morning!  (Woot!)  Nevaeh is doing GREAT!  She left the hospital weighing in at 7lbs. 3oz. and has lost the swelling from the delivery.  So far, she is a calm baby with a sweet disposition.  She rarely cries, unless she is being poked at by the nurses, needs fed or has a dirty diaper.  Other than that, she sleeps or looks around with wonderment! She is taking about 2 oz. of lactose free formula for sensitive tummies.  The regular formula did not agree with her so the NICU nurses switched her after a few projectile spit ups!  Grandma (me) was the first one to get initiated and then daddy!  Mommy has to continue with her lovenox shots for 12 more days to ensure that she doesn't get a blood clot.  Then she has to take a low dose aspirin everyday for the rest of her life due to the MTHFR blood issues!  Here are some pictures of our day!

My favorite picture!!!

No, wait....this may be my favorite picture!

Tired Daddy!

4 Generations! Great Grandma Martin, Grandma Dason, Mommy and Nevaeh!

First visitors to hold Baby Vaeh!  Great Uncle Ajay and Great Aunt Magda

Your cousin, Adriana

Ultrasound Video- Watch Baby Nevaeh Grow!

Watch Courtney's Belly Grow!