The kids came home around 1:00 in the morning. The late night hour (or should I say early morning hour) didn't stop the company from coming over to see the baby for the first time! It was also exciting to see Nevaeh sleeping in the crib we have set up in Courtney's old bedroom. It was the crib that Courtney used when she was a baby!
Great Grandpa and Grandma Richards!
Uncle Joey and Nevaeh....Wonder what she is thinking.
Nevaeh is still a very content baby with sleep and eating patterns about 3-4 hours. She is taking 3 to 4 oz. of formula at a time but can't stay awake long enough to take anymore than that.....Going against present research and trying "tricks" grandma taught me (and used successfully with both of my girls when they were a few weeks old), I suggested a rice cereal bottle for the night feeding. The first bottle was made with 3 oz of formula and 2 tablespoons of rice cereal flakes. This made a very runny, thin cereal. The bottle nipple was widen to allow the flow of the thinned cereal to be sucked easily. The first bottle was not a success. We kept experimenting with the nipple not to get it tooooo big. 45 minutes and 1oz. later, she was sound asleep.....but with that one ounce, she slept 3 hours! At 5:00 in the morning, we tried again. This time, the nipple hole became a slit. I put 3oz. of formula in her bottle mixed with 2 tablespoons of rice flakes. BINGO! She sucked it down in 15 minutes, burping, diaper change and back to bed.........To my surprise, she was up again 3 hours later and hungry! At 8:00 in the morning, decided to give it one more try. Since she sucked down the last bottle, I upped it to 4oz. with 2 1/2 tablespoons of rice flakes. She drank almost 4oz with no problem, burped, diaper change, dressed for the day and off to sleep. This time, she went from 8:00 until 2:00. That's right, 6 hours!!!! The rest of the day, she had 4oz bottles of formula every 3 hours. Courtney is going to try the rice bottle again tonight! Hopefully, Nevaeh will sleep 6 hours again!