Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


You can view the slide shows of the ultrasounds and belly growth at the bottom of this blog.

Friday, December 31, 2010


Poor baby is still sick.  For the last few days, Nevaeh has had a low grade fever, which we thought was due to teething (no new teeth yet)......but this morning she woke up with a severe diaper rash (first diaper rash to be exact) and a fever between 100- 101.7.  The pediatrician's office was closed due to the holiday, so Mommy and Daddy took her to the emergency room.  It took 3 hours of different types of meds plus pedialite mixed with cranberry juice to help hydrate her and break her fever.  Nothing showed up in her urine and her ears are clear, no vomiting, no diarrhea....so the emergency room doctor is chalking it up to teething issues!  Poor baby!  You can see it in her eyes that she feels bad......I feel bad for her!

Thursday, December 30, 2010


 Mommy and Daddy took the kids to Blue Fusion for fun and games yesterday.  Here's Nevaeh playing with a prickly ball.  Lately she hasn't been feeling well .....running a low grade fever and clingy....We think she is cutting her upper teeth....can't wait until they break through.....As you can see, she was content to sit in the stroller and watch the kids......You know she doesn't feel well, when she prefers to watch rather than play!
Here's Uncle Andrew, Alexis and Jordyn playing in the balls, shoots and ladders area!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


With Nevaeh growing out of her bouncy seat, Mommy and Daddy switched to a beanbag chair for her to sit in while watching the Your Baby Can Read Videos........but.....the beanbag turned into a new exciting toy and the videos became hit and miss   :-(      With Alexis and Jordyn home for the holidays, they wanted to share the beanbag......but three kids and a beanbag chair didn't quite work........Mommy got the pink bouncy seat back out for Nevaeh and guess what?.......She didn't budge while watching the videos (this has happened for a few days in a row now)......Nevaeh must associate the pink bouncy seat with the videos....Pretty soon, she will have to sit on the edge and use it as a seat, just to get her to watch the vidoes.......but I guess every little trick helps to keep her attention now that she is mobile!

Here are some pictures of us Skyping this morning, just after the videos!  The oldest boy is Nevaeh's Uncle Andrew :-)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Playtime!  The kids came over and played in the toy room!  Life is good!

Monday, December 27, 2010


Today, Mommy called Great Grandma Martin and Nevaeh said her first HI over the phone!  Usually she just stares at the phone......like she did when Mommy called me ..... No repeat performance :-(


This picture shows off your beautiful eyes, two teeth and hair growing long over your ears!  You are losing your baby look quickly!  (Love!)

Saturday, December 25, 2010


WOW!  Look at all those gifts!  The kids were speechless and Nevaeh was clueless!  :-)

In an earlier post, I showed this swingset (from Grandma & Grandpa Baker and Grandma & Grandpa Dason), that Daddy put together.  Daddy picked up Alexis and Jordyn early Christmas morning and brought them in the house through a different door so they couldn't see the swingset....after the mounds of gifts were opened, the kids were taken outside for a short time to enjoy this gift.  You should have seen their eyes!  Nevaeh even enjoyed the baby swing! .....Get a load of her pink Converse tennis shoes that Aunt Caitlin bought her.....they are a little big, but will sure be cute for this spring or summer when she grows into them!

 Nevaeh.....I am capturing time in photos of your grandparents!  Upper left is Grandma and Grandpa Dason.  Bottom row is Grandma Baker with you and Grandpa Baker with your Mommy!

 The top picture is Great Grandma Martin (holding her dogs, Izzie and Brie).  The bottom picture is you and Great Grandma Richards. Great Grandpa Richards is holding your doggy, Jasmine.

Friday, December 24, 2010


Christmas Eve at Great Grandma and Grandpa Richards house has been a tradition for as long as I can remember!  This year we enjoyed watching Nevaeh playing with the wrapping paper and a few of her toys here and there.....but to be honest with you, she was more interested in the wrapping paper than what was inside......But that was expected.....and still fun to watch!


Nevaeh is an early talker....so far, her vocabulary consists of mama, dada (sometimes daddy), baba, dog, bite, bye, shirt........and.......today a new word........sit!  Yesterday she said shirt and today sit....with the distinction between the sh and the s sounds with meaning to each word.  Yesterday, Mommy was dressing her and pointing to her shirt.....today, Nevaeh was standing in the bathtub and Mommy told her to sit.  Nevaeh started repeating Mommy and finally sat down!  She is one smart little girl!  Pretty soon, I won't be able to keep up with all of the words she knows, because it seems like she is starting to repeat a new word everyday with meaning!  What a wonderful Christmas gift to us.....a healthy, happy and smart little, sweet thing!

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Pulling herself up to and standing for long periods of time is second nature to Nevaeh now.  She even stands holding on with just one hand and transfers easily to different toys and furniture.
Walking with the Dino push toy has been mastered!  Now if she can figure out how to turn it around when she runs into the wall!....If you watch long enough, you will see her wave to me at the end of the video! 
I couldn't resist video taping this!  Our dog Chael has a new playmate!  Gosh I love her giggles!

Bye the way, Nevaeh has a new word....."shirt"...  She says "sht" and it sounds like sh_ t  LOL !  Mommy was dressing her today and she repeated after Mommy several times.  Mommy even called me on the phone today and Nevaeh said it to me several times as well!  Cracked me up!  Good thing we know she is really saying "shirt"  HA!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

9 1/2 MONTHS!

Nevaeh is 9 1/2 months old and Christmas is 3 days away!  Lately I've been writing about Nevaeh's different eating habits (or lack there of)....today she surprised us......she ate both veges and fruit.....After Daddy let her out of the highchair, she crawled over to Mommy for more off her plate.  She even said "bite, bite"!   Toooo cute!

Then came dinner time.....back to the head shaking NOs! (Daddy tried to video tape and feed her at the same time...pretty tricky!)

Monday, December 20, 2010


This year, we had a special helper making the Christmas cookies!

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Dear Nevaeh,
I just had to take a picture of your first hairdo!  Your hair is long enough to curl with a curling iron and guess what......your hair has enough body to hold the curl all day!  Pretty impressive for 9 months old.  You get this gorgeous hair honestly.....Your Mommy's hair was long enough to put in curlers when she was 9 months old.  When Mommy was just a couple years old, she had really long hair.....long and beautiful.  I would set her hair in hot rollers (or soft curlers overnight)....take the rollers out and have her flip her head of hair upside down and run my fingers or a comb through it.....she'd flip her head/hair back up and the curls would just lay perfectly.....Hair to die for!!! .......Then there is your Aunt Caitlin....poor little thing was almost bald until she was 1 year old!  HA!  Couldn't be more different from your Mommy.........You are blessed with hair like your Mommy's!

Love Grandma Dason


Nevaeh's eating habits have changed drastically these last few weeks.  She used to have a morning cereal bottle, night cereal bottle, lunch and dinner (fruit and vege mixed with cereal), plus attempts at juice and water in sippy cups.  If you are counting, that is 4 meals a day due to cereal mixes.  Now we are lucky to keep the two cereal bottles, and maybe a fruit or vege with cereal mix throughout the day.  She is taste testing table food but still doesn't eat enough to be considered a lunch or dinner meal!  In fact, she is closing her lips tight and shaking her head NO after a few bites of just about anything.  She is mastering some finger foods, like puffs and has even mastered cheerios....but that can't be considered a meal!!!  Last night, Mommy called and said that Nevaeh loves, loves, loves grape jello!  YAY finally something that is liquid based....because we all know that a few drinks here and there out of a sippy cup just won't cut it!  I am worried she will end up a very picky eater (like me!)

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Here's a video of the flashcards that go along with the Your Baby Can Read video.  Notice on the word TIGER she says t,t,t,t.  On the word DOG, she said dog after I did.  Yesterday, she said DOG before me when she saw the word.  Not on video.....she said BYE to Mommy, when Mommy went to work....so that word wasn't just a fluke yesterday!  PRETTY EXCITING!.........Oh yea....I forgot to add that Nevaeh watched the video back with me and on the flashcard ARMS UP, she put her arms up and giggled! (Of course I didn't get that on video because we were watching the video!)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

9m6d-Learning to Read?

Just a little update, as promised, on how the Your Baby Can Read Video learning is going.....Nevaeh is now viewing the 3rd video in the series.  She still watches every day, a few times in a row either before or during her morning bottle.  She used to sit in the bouncy chair, but has outgrown that seat....Now she sits in a bean bag chair ......and stays put ....with interest during the whole video sessions!  We started flash cards at 7 months that have the same words and pictures from the video.  She smiles from ear to ear with the flashcards, too!  Since about 8 months, she will wiggle her fingers with the word hi (but no wave hi with the flash card yet).  With the word tiger, she will say t, t, t, t,  when she sees the word! With the word cat, she will sometimes say c, c , c , c. Today, when shown the word dog, I swear she said "dog" and smiled.  She said it one more time for Grandpa....of course, after the fact, we second guessed our hearing and wondered if we really heard her say "dog".   When Mommy picked up Nevaeh after work, she called me to say that after Grandpa put Nevaeh in the carseat and shut the door, she said BYE.  How cute is that?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Aunt Caitlin and I tried to get some cool pictures outside with the first snow storm of the year....but Nevaeah wanted nothing to do with the snow or cold weather....These are the only two photos we got...Only outside for about 60 seconds before she insisted on going back in the warm house!


Remember Saturday's Christmas Party?  Need I say more?!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Nevaeh enjoying the music and singing at Church this morning! (Sorry it is sideways....not sure how to turn the video....but you get the idea!)


Grandma and Grandpa Baker along with us bought this swingset for the kids for their combined Christmas gift.  Daddy put it together while the weather let up.  You may be asking.... why a swingset in the winter????  Simple!  Half Price!  (There is a little picnic table on the back side of the tower for those warm weather luncheons in the sun!)

First measurable winter storm of 2010!  Less than 24 hours after Daddy put the swingset together!

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Nevaeh attended her first Christmas party.  Santa was there, but she wanted nothing to do with him.  One look at him and she clung to Mommy, lower lip quivering with real tears! So here's the next best Santa picture we could get!

Friday, December 10, 2010


Our little one weighs 19 1/2 lbs. and is 27 inches long!  She got her 9 month shots today and boy did she scream....in fact Mommy left the room (Daddy had the baby) and cried just as hard for her!  Before all the shot devastation, Nevaeh was showing off for the lady doctor....she waved hi, patty caked and gave a high five! When asked if she was crawling yet, of course Mommy and Daddy proudly said she passed that stage up and is now walking around furniture.....with Nevaeh being born 3 weeks early, she was impressed and said her gross motor skills are advanced!

One thing Mommy was not ready to hear......she wants Nevaeh off the bottle and using a cup by her 1st birthday....WHAT?  She also wants Nevaeh switched over to milk vs. formula then also.  The second may be easier to do than the first request.  How do you get a baby to sleep at night without a bottle?  I don't remember taking the bottle away this soon.....soooo sad to see these baby days slipping away from us!


Nevaeh is learning to walk with her push Dino toy!!!  Just 3 short weeks ago, she couldn't figure out how to move her feet....she would hold on for dear life as her feet stayed planted and her arms stretched out with the forward motion of the toy......Now look at her!  She is figuring it out!  She may have done this sooner, but we put the toy away for fear she would hurt herself, since she wasn't ready.....She sure does surprise us all the time!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Dear Nevaeh,

You are 9 months old today!  This time last year, we were getting excited because Mommy had crossed a milestone of viability when she was pregnant with you!  The fun began with shopping sprees for a beautiful little baby girl to be named Nevaeh.  I remember calling you baby Vaeh for awhile, but Mommy didn't want me to give you a nickname!  She named you Nevaeh because it is Heaven spelled backwards and you are a true gift from Heaven.  Mommy and Daddy tried very hard for you ......What a blessing you have been to all of us!

You haven't had your 9 month check up yet, so I am not sure how much you weigh or how tall you are but, I'll be sure to post it later.   You are wearing some 6-9 months, 9 month clothes fit comfortably and some 12 month fit with pant legs rolled up.  You wear a size 3 or 4 shoe depending on the style.  You are still in a size 3 diaper, but I think the next big diaper purchase (bought in bulk) will be a size 4.   Your hair is growing fast.  Mommy keeps it pulled up in a pony tail on top so she doesn't have to cut it and it stays out of your eyes.  In fact it is getting so long that the ponytail is starting to droop instead of sticking straight up!  When your Mommy was 9 months old, I have a picture of her in curlers.....I bet I could put your hair in curlers too!  You have two teeth (bottom) now and are starting to eat finger food called puffs.  At first you couldn't get them in your mouth.  Now you can't get them in your mouth fast enough!   You are starting to refuse some of your baby food.  You used to eat stage 2 baby food thickened with rice (veges and fruit at lunch and dinner).....Now we are lucky if you eat one jar of food.  We tried stage 3 (thinking you were growing tired of stage 2 foods)....but no luck.....In fact you HATE stage 3 and refuse to open your mouth.  Teething has definitely changed your appetite!

You have learned a lot this past month!  You can sit and play in a bathtub, crawl on your hands and knees, pull yourself up to furniture and walk around it, and hand transfer to different pieces of furniture.  You also sat up on your bottom from a laying position for the first time on your own.  Previously it was a half sit on your hip! You play peek-a-boo, high five and shake your head NO.  You still love to clap, play pattycake, way hi and bye and say dada, & mama.

You love to watch the Your Baby Can Read Videos daily.  It is a routine when you first wake in the morning before your bottle (you are never hungry when you first wake up).  You used to sit in your bouncy seat, but have outgrown it, so Mommy and Daddy bought you a bean bag chair to sit in (adult size, so you can use it for as long as you want.....actually I think Daddy likes it more!).  We've been using the flashcards that go along with the video....you light up with many of the cards ....especially the word TIGER.  I think you know what it means because it never fails....you smile real big each time with the word TIGER.  We bought you the LeapFrog dog, which is programmed with your name, favorite color and animal.....of course we put "tiger" in it and you grin from ear to ear every time you hear this word! I really think you are making the connections!  One day you will be able to tell me!

We love watching you grow and learn,
Love, Grandma and Grandpa Dason

Here's a picture of Nevaeh in her new bean bag chair filled with memory foam filler type stuff (notice the binky and blankie).  She seems to like it for now.....I wonder if she will miss her bouncy seat?......Now, let's ask Daddy how many times he sat in it today! LOL!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Nevaeh's first taste of a Popsicle....She loved it!

Notice the Popsicle at the left of the picture.  Every time Daddy pulled it out of Nevaeh's mouth she would cry!  What a mess!  Good thing Mommy and Daddy took her clothes off to try this new treat.  They sure were brave to try it on their beautiful couch!  Mommy plopped her in the bathtub after this experience!  By the way, bathtime is interesting.....Nevaeh tries to drop all of her bath toys out of the tub to the floor....she thinks it is funny....even the cup full of water.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Here's Nevaeh showing off her perfected puff eating technique.  She is getting better with the sippy cup also....that is when she doesn't try to drink out of it when it is backwards.  Later this evening Nevaeh showed us her new "trick".....She can shake her head NO when we say NO.  She did it three different times, but when Grandpa Dason tried to video tape it she was stage shy!  When Mommy picked her up, she did it for Mommy, too!  :-)

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Yesterday, before the kids met Santa (he was on a 15 minute break), Mommy sneaked inside the Santa gate to get these pictures of Nevaeh in the fake snow.  Notice how happy she was then, vs. the picture in the previous post with Santa.  After the Santa visit, the kids willingly posed for this picture just outside  Santa's place.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


WOW!  I had a wonderful birthday weekend!  (47 years old!....All of a sudden 50 doesn't seem that old....neither does 60 for that matter!  HA!).  On Friday night, Grandpa Dason took Nevaeh and me out to dinner....Just the three of us!  We went to a Japanese Restaurant and Nevaeh had broth and fried rice.  It was cute to watch her try to eat "real" food.  She also spent the night with us.  In the morning, I heard her talking to herself over the baby monitor for over an hour before she started to cry for us.  I went in to get her and guess what????? She was laying down on her back playing with her hands and when she saw me, she sat up!  Usually she gets up on her side and then rolls to her knees, but today, she sat up like a big girl all by herself! ........ Here's a picture of my first birthday card "signed" by my sweet grandbaby Nevaeh!

Mommy and Daddy got Jordyn and Alexis this weekend, they all came over this morning and we dressed the kids up in their Christmas outfits and went to see SANTA!  This experience devastated Nevaeh!  One look at Santa and she broke down...Tears and deep sobs! One small moment in between the sobs this Christmas picture was taken!

After visiting Santa, we all went to a Wedding.  Here's a picture of Aunt Caitlin and Nevaeh!

 After the wedding, all the kids went to Great Grandma and Grandpa Richards house to put up their Christmas Tree. 
 Alexis- 5yrs old., Uncle Andrew- 11 yrs. old, Nevaeh- 9mos. (almost!), and Jordyn- 4 yrs. old!

Here's Nevaeh and Great Grandpa Richards sitting back while the others decorated the tree.  Can you tell she is tired.......Should be after the extra busy day we all had!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I  know that I've posted bathtime pictures before, but I couldn't resist.  It is one of my favorite times with this little cutie pie!  I have a lot of bath pictures of Mommy and Aunt Caitlin when they were little also!


Winter is upon us. Doesn't she look cute in this hat that Great Grandma Richards bought her? 

On our way home, Nevaeh was fussy in the car (which is unusual)....When I got home, I turned around to comfort her and started cracking up!!!  She pulled the hat over her eyes and couldn't figure out why she couldn't see!  HA HA!  I couldn't see that she did this while driving because it was dark out!  I am laughing as I am typing this.  This will be a cute baby moment that I will never forget!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


 Nevaeh is learning to eat with her fingers.  Most of the puffs end up on the floor and even on her cheeks (Grandpa Dason added the one on her forehead!).  It is strange because all things go into her mouth via her hands (toys, paper, ....) except for this finger food that we started her out with.  She tried real hard, but the puffs get squishy and stick to her hands and rarely make it to her mouth.  Today she was successful getting one in!  WE CELEBRATED AND CLAPPED FOR HER .....she just stared at us like we were crazy.....Just like she is doing in this picture!
After dinner we played.  Isn't it cute how she sits on her knees to play?  Just like a big girl!

Nevaeh is showing off her new skill in this video.  She can now get up and down with ease when cruising the furniture......even in between licks of the coffee table (sigh)!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Please note, I posted several different postings today, so scroll down!!!!  Mommy called and told me that little Miss Nevaeh walked all along Great Grandma Richard's  L shaped sectional couch and then transferred one hand over to the coffee table, and then the other hand and continued walking around the square coffee table!!!!!  She is learning and displaying new skills at lightening speed!  Sooooo Exciting to watch (or hear about)!


Mommy and Daddy took me to Petland.  I loved all the animals!


We love the breathable bumper pads, but they are sooooo plain!  To spice things up, I bought this fabric and covered the satin green trim on the bumpers.  I then added the fabric to the crib skirt to match.  Not sure if I like the brown part on the original crib skirt, but it matches the brown in the fabric and the monkeys on the wall....So I might keep it.  Knowing this old crib set will be up for many more grandchildren to come my way (I hope)....I kept a neutral color scheme!  Courtney likes it so much, she wants me to add fabric to her pink set, but Nevaeh will outgrow the crib soon....so I promised to do it for her next baby one of these days!

Friday, November 26, 2010


Nevaeh always wakes up in good mood.  She will play with her hands, pacifier and talk to herself.  Lately she has been up on her knees examining the bars of her crib.  Today, she found the top railing of the crib with her mouth! 

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Nevaeh has noticed herself in the mirror for a few months now with huge smiles and clapping, but today she decided to kiss that cute baby in the mirror!

Crawling has been mastered at 8 1/2 months old! (No more army crawling YAY!)

Also....Nevaeh has her 2nd tooth! Bottom front!  So there you have it.....Another tooth, crawling and kissing on her first Thanksgiving!  Woot!

Monday, November 22, 2010


Wiping her own hands?  Na!  It's a new cheap toy!  The smallest things entertain her!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


See that tongue?  She is constantly rubbing her tongue along her gums and one tooth.  She even smacks her lips together and looks like a fish or a turtle mouth!  Tooooo funny!  Night time is interesting these days.  We can still get her to sleep a total of 10-12 hours, but with many jaunts to the crib to put her pacifier back in.  Luckily that's all she needs and is not wide awake throughout the night.  Lately she is making use of the space in her crib. She starts off in the middle on her back and through out the night, she moves to all corners of the crib and buries her face into the bumpers.....Luckily we switched to breathable bumpers to lessen our worries about suffocation.  She spent the night at our house last night.....let's just say, I am not as young as I used to be and getting up every hour on the hour to insert a pacifier played havoc on my tired body!  Hats off to the moms who have babies with sleep issues......I am not so sure I could do it every single night and then function the next day!  At least in my case, she goes home to Mommy and Daddy and this Grandma gets a rest!  No wait....I have to clean the house in time for the Holidays!  Maybe I can slip in a nap!  (As I was thinking back, I remember Courtney going through this phase, but she would be wide awake each time....not just needing a pacifier.....I looked back at her baby book, I think the mistake I made back then was giving in and giving her a bottle and then that became a routine.....She was pretty smart, and outsmarted me.....once she realized she could get what she wanted from the zombie Mommy, she ended up in my bed on a routine basis, just so I could get some sleep.  Note to self.....remind Courtney not to make the same mistake that this Mommy did with her!........I know, easier said than done!)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

8m7d- NEW TOYS

She spotted the toy and crawled over to it! (A real crawl with hands and knees working in unison!)....Up on the her knees she went!

She pushes up with her feet and toes to stand...Hilarious!

Learning her new toy!

The dino push toy will take some time to learn.  It rolls easily and she doesn't know how to move her feet forward.  She will hold on with her feet stationary while leaning forward....with some help she will move her feet......I'm sure it won't be long before she has it mastered.  She is a quick learner!

She seems to like the dino as a sitting toy!

Monday, November 15, 2010


 Nevaeh attempted to pull herself up to this walker several times with no luck because it would roll away with every attempt.  Sooooo Nevaeh outsmarted the walker by crawling and pushing the walker up against the coffee table.....Once it couldn't move any more, she pulled herself up to the walker and played for a good 10 minutes in the standing position!.......Then she cried because she didn't know how to sit back down without falling down!  (Now that takes some reasoning skills....and only 8 months to boot!)
Standing yet again!!!!  Soon this doggy gate will have to be replaced with a taller baby gate!

 First time pulling herself up to the couch! Once she decided she could pull herself up to just about anything, she hasn't stopped all day!

I was soooooo excited to see and hear about this new skill (thought the other day was a fluke....fooled me) that I actually couldn't wait to get off work and buy her these new toys for our house!  We get to have her tomorrow evening while Mommy works.....can't wait to play with our....I mean her new toys! 

Ultrasound Video- Watch Baby Nevaeh Grow!

Watch Courtney's Belly Grow!