Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


You can view the slide shows of the ultrasounds and belly growth at the bottom of this blog.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Emergency Room- 8/28/09

On August 28th, 2009 Courtney went to the emergency room due to a kidney infection. She was worried that this infection would harm the baby and insisted on hearing the heartbeat to reassure herself that the baby was OK. The doctor took a look at her records (this is the same hospital that told her she was not pregnant 9 weeks ago) and said that there was no way she was 9 weeks pregnant and didn't believe her. At first the doctor argued that even if she were pregnant she wasn't 9 weeks and a doppler would not pick up a heartbeat. Courtney informed the doctor that she indeed was 9 weeks pregnant and his records were incorrect. She also insisted that a doppler picked up the heartbeat at 8w5d and there would be no reason that a doppler wouldn't pick up a heartbeat at 9w1d. Needless to say, this doctor was a difficult person to work with! He finally listened to her request. Sure enough, the heartbeat was detected within minutes of applying the doppler to Courtney's belly. The baby was telling her that she/he was fine and growing by the minute! Now it was time to get her well.

Courtney was given an antibiotic through an IV. It was a category B drug. She also took Tylenol with Codine for the pain. This drug was a category C, which means it is safe when tested in animals but not enough studies to determine in humans. She was very sick and had to take a category C drug for vomiting called Phenergan.

Courtney was sent home with oral medication. Now they are both OK! Courtney such a loving mother already...... taking such good care of the baby and herself!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

8w5d- 8/26/2009

Courtney is high risk, so she had another ultrasound to make sure the baby was OK. He/she is not only doing OK....but was even did a little dance for them, When they tried to video tape the baby played games and stood still! After a while, he/she decided to move his legs and arms so they would have a keepsake to share! The baby's heart rate is 168 bpm. This time he/she measured right on schedule at 8w5d. At Courtney's first ultrasound, the baby measured 4 days earlier than Courtney thought at 6w1d instead of 6w5d.....There was a growth spurt and right on schedule. The baby is due on April 1st, 2010, but who knows...We might get a surprise on Courtney's birthday a few days earlier on March 22nd. Courtney will be 22 and Mike will be 24 when the baby is born. I (grandma) will be 46 and grandpa will be 46. We can't wait!

Courtney and Mike will get to hear the heart beat again in 2 weeks (10w5d).

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Ultrasound 6w1d 8/15/2009

August 12, 2009- Courtney's first ultrasound. She cried when she saw the baby's heart beating 131 bpm, measuring 6w1d! She thought she was 6w4d but the doctor said she was right on schedule and everything looked fine!

Courtney is trying very hard to keep the baby safe and growing inside her. She has to take 40mg lovenox shots once a day for a blood clotting disorder known as MTHFR (one copy). She also takes low dose aspirin, progesterone, DHA supplement and prenatal vitamins. Luckily she is feeling pretty good. At times she feels nauseated and tired.....at least she is NOT REALLY sick!

Mike sent this picture to Grandma and Grandpa Dason. Grandma Dason was so excited she decided to start this blog for all of the family and friends to view.

Courtney has another OB visit on August 26, 2009. We can't wait to see the baby again!

Ultrasound Video- Watch Baby Nevaeh Grow!

Watch Courtney's Belly Grow!